Anne Herpertz ist Aktivistin, Politikwissenschaftlerin und seit Juni 2022 Bundesvorsitzende der Piratenpartei Deutschland. In Dresden ist sie neben der kommunalen Politik vor allem auf der Straße bei linken, antifaschistischen Protesten zu finden.
- How To: Legal Blockieren
Berlin based political consultant and activist. Board member of the Global Innovation Gathering e.V., a global network of social and technological innovators.
- Das ist globales Hardware Hacking in Parallel
- Connecting Networks in Global Maker Movements: the Africa Europe Maker Innovation Ecosystem

Bart is a spontaneous problem solver who enjoys tinkering, building, and breaking things.
His native habitat is around Hackerspace.Gent (Belgium) but is known to roam around Europe regularly by train between conferences, camps and hackerspaces. Bart enjoys upcycling and repairing items as well as building things with old and new electronics, pallets, or pieces of code. His hobbies include diving, interrail travel, volunteering and meeting new people.
- IKEA & pallet hacks!
- Exploring social media reactions to conflicts in 2022

Xhain Member, Embedded software engineer
- Taping out a systolic array with an opensource PDK
- Quantenverschlüsselung in einer Box

Chris Lombardi is a veteran software engineer, specializing in interface deign, who has recently started a new career in Chemistry. Along the way, weaving has entered his life and is the perfect combination of IT, color, design and science.
- Weaving, Old and New Technology: from Design Concept to Diva Fashion
- Weaving, Old and New Technology: from Design Concept to Diva Fashion
also known as vecna, founder of tracking.exposed, previously has spent many years in globaleaks.org. Developer, researcher, but first and foremost activist for digital rights. "crypto" means "cryptography"
- Librevents: “liberating” data from Big Tech

Clemens Schöll is a media artist, media theorist and software engineer. He studied computer science and fine arts in Leipzig, Lissabon as well as currently Berlin. The usually information-technological works range from (virtual reality) installations, net art to performances. His work was exhibited at Kunsthalle Zurich, [...] among others. He curated the exhibition In VR we trust. Schöll is co-founder of the media art collective THIS IS FAKE as well as the Förderverein Palast der Republik e.V.
- Of someone who went forth to find a flat in Berlin. An automation-drama in three acts — Act 3: In ultimate consequence
- HiP Review & Closing
IT Security Student and Researcher. Member of ALLES!
- Binary Exploitation Beginner Workshop
I'm a EEE student, and I'm really interested in electronics, and both the hardware and software level of computing, although I'm a complete novice.
- How my video game project is helping me learn tech and conquer my mental health

Dave is an active hackaday community member and joined xHain Hack- & Makespace in 2019. Over there he's sharing his joy not just for 3D printing and PCB design, but also every new skill that can influence the next project he will never finish.
For short term updates and shower thoughts,
you can also find him here https://chaos.social/@davedarko
- What I learned from making an 1836 LED dodecahedron
- Understanding Attacks On AI

I am a free software developer, that works on various projects.
Fields of interest (in no particular order) are pro-audio on Linux, embedded systems, Arch Linux, packaging, infrastructure management, automation.
- Pacman can have the cookies and eat the ghosts too
Somebody who can code and stayed long enough at university.
- Reviving open-source projects: at the example of OpenTracks
- Introduction to the Hare programming language
I'm a queer web developer who likes breaking things as much as they like building them.
I am bad at writing biographies for myself.
- A beginner's guide to unexpected input 🧨

Software engineer, maker, musician currently living in Berlin.
- Eigenform (live)
- The train has left the station: Building systems for a +2C world

Hi, ich bin Emilia Steinhauser und 18 Jahre alt, womit ich bisher weder ein Studium abgeschlossen habe, noch auf irgendeine Andere Art eine Ausbildung in dem Gebiet habe. Stattdessen habe ich “nur“ letztes Jahr mein Abitur gemacht und im Zuge Dessen einen Vortrag vorbereiten müssen. Die Gelegenheit hab ich genutzt und als Thema den Versuch unternommen meine sehr unterschiedlichen Hobbys zu verbinden.
klassische Musik ist ein großer Teil meines Lebens und als Laien Bratschistin spiele ich in vielen Orchestern und Ensembles mit. Zum anderen konnte ich unteranderem durch meine Leistungskurse Mathe und Physik meine Vorliebe zu den Naturwissenschaften in und außerhalb der Schule ausleben.
In meinem Abiturvortrag: „die Physik der Musik“ habe ich sehr viel Arbeit und Freude reingesteckt und würde mich daher freuen, wenn diese Arbeit zu mehr als nur einer guten Note und meinem eigenen Vergnügen genutzt werden kann. Ich würde diese neue Sichtweise auf Musik gerne an andere Interessierte Menschen weitergeben.
- die Physik der Musik

- Never Mind the Gigwork - here's the Coffeebots
- Masking Threshold
A hashing fetishist. Working on trusted computing and reproducible builds.
twitter: @warpfork
- Zapps and Warping and Forging -- building towards portable, composable un-distros
- Binary Exploitation Beginner Workshop

Ich beschäftige mich damit, wie man (neue) Technologien einsteigerfreundlich erklären kann. Dabei ist für mich, dass hier alle selbst ausprobieren und experimentieren können. Denn ich glaube daran, dass wir so am besten lernen.
Ich bin Teil des Projektes „Quanten 1x1 – Quantentechnologien spielend leicht verstehen“ bei dem wir erste Inhalte zu Quantencomputern, -verschlüsselung, -Sensoren und was das alles mit uns und der Gesellschaft zu tun hat, entwickeln.
In dem Projekt sind bereits mehrere Spiele und Tischexperimente entstanden, so wie leicht verständliche Animationen, die wichtige Begriffe einführen und viele viele Interviews mit spannenden Expertinnen. Die Inhalte sind als OER-Materialien (Open Educational Ressources) nutzbar und ich gebe Workshops und Fortbildungen für Multiplikatorinnen.
Link: https://tueftelakademie.de/quanten1x1/
- Quantenverschlüsselung in einer Box

Frederik Braun works as a Staff Security Engineer for Mozilla Firefox in Berlin. He’s also a member of the W3C Web Application Security Working Group where he co-authored the Subresource Integrity standard. When not at work, Frederik goes on long bike treks across Europe with his wife and two kids.
- What if XSS was a browser bug?
- Get started with hacking the badge

InfoSec | Foo @chaosdorf | CTF Sauercl0ud & ALLES!
- Subdomain takeover, the use after free of the internet
- CubeR - Mondforschung und –Erkundung und modularen Nanorovern
- 50 years of C, the good, the bad and the ugly

Janfred (28, Pronomen er/sein) arbeitet beim DFN-Verein im eduroam-Team und studiert parallel Informatik an der Universität Bremen.
Schon zu Anfang des Studiums hat er angefangen, beim Zentrum für Netze an der Universität Bremen im WLAN-Team zu arbeiten und hat sich schnell auf die Serverkonfiguration gestürzt.
Dabei hat er insbesondere ein Interesse an IT-Sicherheit und Internetprotokollen entwickelt.
Aktuell ist er in verschiedenen internationalen eduroam-Gremien und der IETF aktiv.
- eduroam - eine Reise durch die Technik hinter der Föderation

I study computer science at FU Berlin and work at the Digital Security Lab of RSF. I am also a freedom of information and privacy activist.
My blog: https://besendorf.org
My FragDenStaat profile: https://fragdenstaat.de/profil/j.besendorf/
Mastodon: @besendorf@chaos.social
- Finding (state) malware: methods and tools for civil forensic analysis

Janine is a privacy researcher, independent investigative journalist, and educator on the topics of informational self-determination (informationelle Selbstbestimmung), financial technology, and (counter)surveillance.
- An Introduction to Scientific Journalism

Jiska Classen is a wireless and mobile security researcher. The intersection of these topics means that she digs into iOS internals, reverse engineers wireless firmware, and analyzes proprietary protocols. Her practical work on public Bluetooth security analysis tooling uncovered remote code execution and cryptographic flaws in billions of mobile devices. She also likes to work on obscure and upcoming wireless technologies, for example, she recently uncovered vulnerabilities in Ultra-wideband distance measurement and reverse-engineered Apple's AirTag communication protocol.
She has previously spoken at Black Hat USA, DEF CON, RECon, hardwear.io, Chaos Communication Congress, Chaos Communication Camp, Gulasch Programmer Nacht, MRMCDs, Easterhegg, Troopers, Pass the Salt, NotPinkCon, gave various lectures and training, and published at prestigious academic venues.
- Introduction to Reverse Engineering with Frida

Free Software advocate working on issues related to digitization and environmental harm, proponent of autonomous (digital) spaces.
- Librevents: “liberating” data from Big Tech

kantorkel ist rC3-zertifizierter Teleshopping-Ultra aus Hamburg. Er betreibt Tor-Exit-Knoten, mischt bei Reclaim Your Face mit und ist kein Freund von Gesichtersuchmaschinen.
Mastodon: https://social.bau-ha.us/@kantorkel
- Hide and seek ‒ über die Biometrie-Datenbank des US-Militärs
Projektleiter bei Junge tüftler*innen
Quanten 1x1
- Quantenverschlüsselung in einer Box

Khaleesi engagiert sich im CCC und ist eine der Sprecher*innen des Büdnis „Chatkontrolle Stoppen!“
Ihr Fokus liegt auf Policy und Advocacy Arbeit auf EU-Ebene.
Sie ist Informatikerin und arbeitet im IT-Sicherheitsbereich.
- Aktuelles zur Chatkontrolle

Sascha 'Klapauzius' Lenze
Certified electrical engineer , 1st world job as a software developer in control engineering (Simatic PLC/HMI).
First contacts to information technology on a Commodore 64 programming BASIC in ´83, on a journey experiencing the new since. Member of ‚Chaostreff Dortmund‘ (chaoswest/ctdo) from 2007 being part of numerous events (chaos bbq, easterhegg, mrmcd, camp, c3).
Experiences as a hobbyist and professional in FFF/FDM and mSLA additive manufacturing machines since 2013, started printing metal FFF in 2019.
- (mostly) homebrewn metal AM

Konstantin ist Politikwissenschaftler mit lebenslanger Technikbegeisterung und Freude am Basteln. Seinem Drang nach gesellschaftlichem Engagement kommt er besonders durch seine Arbeit als Campaigner bei Digitalcourage e.V. nach. Dort bearbeitet er meist sicherheitspolitische Themen und koordiniert sich mit anderen Aktiven, z.B. zu den Themen #Chatkontrolle, #ReclaimYourFace, #PersoOhneFinger, #Vorratsdatenspeicherung und vieles mehr.
Kontakt gerne im Fediverse an @konstantin@digitalcourage.social
- Aktuelles zur Chatkontrolle

I'm a genderqueer hacker from Berlin. Currently working in IT Security, my interests are also in systems engineering, typesetting/typography and cryptography. Additionally, I love teaching about these subjects as well as engaging in politics, having been part of the student's "Fachschaftsinitiative" of the CS department at the Freie Universität Berlin and active in various roles in the Ausbildungskommission, Institutsrat, Fachbereichsrat, Studierendenparlament and briefly as a member of the Academic Senate, before retiring from student life.
A number of open source projects are hosted all over the place at
- https://github.com/ljrk0
- https://codeberg.org/ljrk
- https://gitlab.com/ljrk
and you can reach me in the Fediverse over
- https://todon.eu/@ljrk
as well as read my blog over at
- https://ljrk.codeberg.page/
- Introduction to C Programming
- Future Proofing my Printer with Reversing
- Hacktivism - past, present and future

After studying and traveling in a bunch of countries Liam returned to his native rural North West Wales in 2005. After a spell in software entrepreneurship he left the commerical space to work on grass roots community arts and hacking with Astralship. The Astralship.org team, hackbase / pirateship in a church, is fully mobilise to open Engedi2.org as a Regenerative Catalyst rural Hacker, community, arts and wellbeing space.
- Regenerative Hacking : Ecosystemic design workshop for rural community hackspaces

- https://ligi.de
- https://github.com/ligi
- https://chaos.social/@ligi
- https://twitter.com/mr_ligi
- Berlin Hack and Tell

Little hat sich irgendwann mal für Quantengeraffel im Allgemeinen und Quantencomputer im Speziellen interessiert [1], mittlerweile interessiert er sich auch für öffentliche digitale Plattformen und Infrastrukturen - bspw. WIFI4EU [2][3] - und seit zwei Jahren zusehends für Civic-Tech. Im Rahmen des #wirvsvirus Hackathons war er Co-Teamlead des Projekts wir-bleiben-liqui.de, [4][5] und seit Anfang 2021 ist er Teil des Innovationsverbund öffentliche Gesundheit [6] und hat hier u.a. IRIS-Connect [7][8] zusammen mit Bianca Kastl und Anderen entwickelt. Auf Hacker Camps findet man ihn wo es laut ist.
🦣;🐦;Threema: J4XBCNJN
[1] https://aachen.ccc.de/post/2015-08-09-talk-kryptographie-quantencomputer
[2] https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3chaoswest-52-wifi4eu-broken-by-technical-specification
[3] https://zenodo.org/record/3236807
[4] https://20.re-publica.com/de/session/5-wochen-vom-hackathon-projekt-zur-civic-tech-plattform
[5] https://20.re-publica.com/de/session/deep-dive-wirvsvirus-hackathon-wir-bleiben-liquide
[6] https://www.inoeg.de/
[7] https://www.iris-connect.de/
[8] https://github.com/iris-connect
- B3 - BuntesBugBounty - den Hackerparagraphen Hacken
Hardware engineer.
- Designing and making stencils

Maker, LED enthusiast, educator - and just your average cat onesie wearing guy from next door.
- From idea to KiCad & beyond: How to design & build an LED project
- Beginners workshop - How to plan & build your own LED project

Martine Lenders is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and a research assistant at Freie Universität Berlin. Her primary research interest is in networking and programming for the IoT, aiming for more privacy utilizing free software and open standards. She is a maintainer of RIOT, a free and open source operating system for the IoT.
- DNS over CoAP: Securing Name Resolution in the Internet of Things

Mate Soos has been working both in industry as an IT security expert, and in research, working on formal methods. In industry, he has worked from low-level chip reverse engineering, staring through the microscope at a microprobed chip, through GPGPU-based cipher reversing, all the way to designing the cloud security of large firms. Within the scope of his research, he has been working on SAT and SMT solving, model counting, and uniform sampling. The two aspects of his work have sometimes coincided, e.g. when breaking the Mifare cipher using a specially-designed SAT solver, or when using SMT solvers to prove correctness of digital contracts. Lately, he's been interested in safety engineering, bringing notions from the extensive safety literature to the IT security world.
- IT Security: a game of counting the negatives, but can we do better?

Knowledge worker, activist, editor of the German civil rights journal Bürgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP and nd.Der Tag. Focussing on policing in the European Union, migration control, undercover cops, internet monitoring, surveillance and interception technologies, police gadgets, satellite intelligence, drones.
Publishing in left-wing newspapers and online-media like netzpolitik.org or Golem.
Texts at https://digit.so36.net (multilanguage). Twitter @matthimon and Mastodon https://chaos.social/@matthimon.
- US government demands direct police access to European biometric data
Experte für Weltraumrobotik, leidenschaftlicher Dozent und ein Enthusiast für die unendlichen Weiten des Weltraums, promoviert gerade über Lunar Exploration Rover und arbeitet als Entwicklungsingenieur bei dem Berliner Raumfahrt-Startup NEUROSPACE GmbH. Mit ihrer neuesten Entwicklung namens CubeR möchte NEUROSPACE ihren Kunden die Möglichkeit bieten, ihre eigenen Fußspuren auf dem Mond zu hinterlassen. Dazu haben die Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure von NEUROSPACE eine neuartige, standardisierte und kostensparende Mond-Rover-Lösung realisiert. Maximilian studierte Robotik und im Nebenfach Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik an der TU Braunschweig. Er war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei der Entwicklung von MIRA3D, einem autonomen Mondrover-Demonstrator für die additive Fertigung von Mondregolith und Teamleiter des European Rover Challenge Siegerteams 2020. Er arbeitete als wissenschaftlicher Assistent für die Vermittlung der Grundlagen des Programmierens und war Organisator des Vorkurses in Computerwissenschaften. Als LEGO-Lab-Mentor inspirierte er junge Entdecker für die Robotik. Um die Informatik in den Schulen zu stärken, engagierte er sich als Lehrer am Gymnasium und nahm mit einem Team von Schülern an der First LEGO League teil.
- CubeR - Mondforschung und –Erkundung und modularen Nanorovern

mc.fly. Conference goer since 1997, speaker since 1999, security since 2005
- Perimeter security is dead, get over it.
- Opening Event
- OpenCloudTiles - Free vector maps for all

Mitch Altman is an international hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone remote controls, a keychain that turns off TVs in public places. He has been creating music and music synthesizers since he was a teenager, was co-founder of 3ware, a successful Silicon Valley startup in the late 1990s, and did pioneering work in Virtual Reality in the mid-1980s. He has contributed to 2600, MAKE, and other magazines, and wrote a chapter for “Maker Pro”, a book about making a living from projects one loves. Mitch enjoys his frequent hacker/artist-in-residencies, where he shares, learns, and continues to cross-pollinate. For the last several years Mitch has been giving performances, talks, leading workshops around the world, inspiring people, sharing how to make cool things with electronics, and teaching everyone to solder. He promotes hackerspaces and open source hardware, and mentors others wherever he goes. He is a co-founder of Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco, and is President and CEO of Cornfield Electronics.
Wikipedia page:
TEDxBrussels talk: "The Hackerspace Movement":
- Arduino For Total Newbies
- Opening Event
- Learn to Solder - Digital Music Synthesis workshop with ArduTouch music synthesizer kit
- LED Strips Everywhere for Everyone!

Nadim Kobeissi is the director of Symbolic Software, a Paris-based software consultancy outfit with a focus on applied cryptography and software security. We also make excellent puzzle games.
- Programming Games in Go for Pretty Much All Platforms

c-base member, c-lang-ultra, you can find me at the c-base-bar, probably.
Enjoying daily hacks, Individual solutions, making the daily life funnier.
- abdoccungccecuencen - c-lang, die cprache einer raumstation
I work as a "Werkstudent" at Reporter ohne Grenzen (RSF) on digital forensics. I'm also currently still studying for my master's degree at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin.
- Finding (state) malware: methods and tools for civil forensic analysis

I break things.
- Binary Exploitation Beginner Workshop
Özgür's day job keeps him busy with reading code that others wrote. At night, he is a member of the dev-team of GNU Taler, helping to extend Taler with advanced features. He does this as PhD-candidate at the Internet Technologies research group at the Freie Univeristät Berlin.
- Are you old enough to buy this? (Zero-knowledge age restriction with GNU Taler)
- HiP Review & Closing

Been in security for well over 20 years. Not sure if old school or just old. First computer was a Sinclair ZX81 that crashed when the 16kb expansion pack got too hot. Originally into software security, pen testing for a long time, I moved into (technical) security management a few years ago. Still enjoy breaking stuff, harassing developers and making fun of PHP.
Currently responsible for technical security in a multinational photonics company.
- Crushed by the Wheels Industry
- Exploring social media reactions to conflicts in 2022
- The Mandelbot Ecotech Project and Ancientscan

Stoppt Kameras und andere Überwachungsmaßnahmen, fördert OpenSource und ist im C4 Zuhause.
- Hide and seek ‒ über die Biometrie-Datenbank des US-Militärs
After obtaining his master degree in computer science at TU Darmstadt, Sönke currently works as security researcher at the Secure Mobile Networking Lab (TU Darmstadt).
- No Fuzzer has been there yet: Finding Bugs in Linux Wireless Stacks
- Hide and seek ‒ über die Biometrie-Datenbank des US-Militärs

Theodore Keloglou is a computer programmer. He’s the maker of mataroa.blog, a privacy-first blogging platform as well as a member of Chaitin School, a software engineering community in London, England. He blogs at nutcroft.com.
- An ontology of hope: cognitive and blind

Der Redner hat sich von Anfang mit Web, Linux und auch Kubernetes und Clouds beschäftigt. Meistens arbeitet er mit K8S in air gapped Umgebungen im Bereich Gesundheit, Energie und Verwaltung. Er hat einige Architektur Sitzungen im IT Planungsrat ehrenamtlich begleitet.
The speaker has been involved with web, Linux and also Kubernetes and clouds from the beginning. Mostly he works with K8S in air gapped environments in healthcare, energy and government. He has volunteered some architecture sessions in IT planning council.
- Open Source und Cloud Native - Die Zielarchitektur der deutschen Verwaltungscloud
- Update on Kubernetes Security in Critical Infrastructure
- Lightning Talks Day 3
- Lightning Talks Day 2
Neben meinem Physikstudium habe ich bereits seid mehreren Jahren Erfahrungen im Bereich der Wissenschaftskommunikation machen können. Ob auf Freizeitveranstaltungen wie Musikfestivals, in Einkaufszentren oder Tagen der offenen Türen, Menschen haben immer Lust herauszufinden wie die Dinge funktionieren. Um an diese spielerische Neugier anzuknüpfen, macht es mir Spaß interaktive Installationen zu entwickeln, die wissenschaftliche Inhalte kommunizieren.
Seit 2020 arbeite ich als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der FU Berlin im "Projektlabor Wissenschaftskommunikation".
- Quantenverschlüsselung in einer Box
Tom ist Jurist und arbeitet für die Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. Daneben ist er im Vorstand des Grundrechtekomitees, in der Redaktion der Zeitschrift Bürgerrechte und Polizei/CILIP und engagiert sich im Republikanischen Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein (RAV).
- Aktuelles zur Chatkontrolle
Hi! Ich bin Victoria aus Berlin und irgendwie in die Linux Desktop Szene reingerutscht.
Aktuell arbeite ich bei System76, wenn du mich sieht und keine Werbung zu Wayland or Rust hören willst, renn lieber schnell weg! Ansonsten beiße ich aber nicht und man findet mich öfters mal auf Veranstaltungen der Chaos-Blase. Mit mir kann man auch super über Games, VR, Pen&Paper und Musik quatschen! :)
- Why YOU should write a wayland compositor!
Some music with Systemabsturz, some privacy advocacy with CCC, some IT security for activists and some smartphone forensics.
Future updates on IT security for activism things will be posted here: https://chaos.social/@schluevik
- "That wasn't me, my phone was hacked!" - Should evidence from phones be permitted in court?
- IT Security for Activists
- Finding (state) malware: methods and tools for civil forensic analysis

My work focuses on building a more resilient web. That has included internet-wide measurements and privacy-protecting messaging systems. My current work focuses on building out a privacy story for the decentralized web.
I've been a ski instructor, rode the transsiberian railroad to CCC, speak some chinese, and enjoy playing with fire. I taught computer science in pyongyang.
- Takeaways from the crypto-mines

It Yan 't' Minagawa from c-base in Berlin.
- CiP - Chatting in Parallel ... What's happening in the Matrix-Multiverses?

I am a trans dude in my early twenties who makes video games in college and art and likes to learn all sorts of cool things about tech :)
- How my video game project is helping me learn tech and conquer my mental health
Zaxtax contributes to open-source scientific computing software. He enjoys long talks on the finer points of random number generation.
- Decentralised social media has a moderation problem