Network Operator and Open Source enthusiast and developer.
- Hackerspace server co-location
Adam Schaal is an Application Security manager at a large online retailer with an extensive background in both development and application security. He has experienced both sides of making and breaking applications. Adam enjoys contributing to information security projects such as the CTF platform redctf and the malicious cable implant O.MG-Cable. He is also very active in his local security community as a founder of Kernelcon, a mid-size information security conference, and DEF CON 402.
- Our Time in a Product Review Cabal: And the malware and backdoors that came with it.
Adam was the Technical Manager for Australia's first national ISP. He co-founded Europe's first open Community Wireless Network. He is a member of Fördervereins Freie Netzwerke e.V. (freifunk) & member of the United Nations IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity. He maintains the Devuan linux distribution Raspberry Pi images. He is also currently Thinker & Doer at the Foundation and CISO for Berlin based non-profit Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH.
- To Name is to Own - Autonomous Name Spaces, Verifiable Identities, Assets and Services at the Edge

Ahmed Isamaldin is a media artist and researcher with a diverse background. He earned a degree in Physics from the University of Khartoum and has also studied Graphic Design, Photography in Cairo, and Visual Communication at Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. Ahmed's artistic practice explores various themes, including immigration, psychology, revolutionary processes, decolonial design, and technology.
- Bid3 and CounterMilitarisim Mapping

I am a 16 year old non-binary student from England. I use they/them pronouns. I am visually impaired along with other disabilities and chronic illnesses as well as autism and ADHD. If you see me around, I’d love to have a chat! I love musicals, dance and chocolate!
I’m on linkedin as AJ Hamilton if anyone wants to have a look!
- A visually impaired perspective on technology

Alexander is a hacker based in Copenhagen, Denmark. During the day, he leads The Tor Project's Network Team -- the team responsible for building the software that runs the Tor network and for the client to access the network. He enjoys traveling, reading, and planning the BornHack hacker camp in Denmark. Over the years, Alexander has contributed to numerous free and open source software projects such as Linux distributions, the IRC ecosystem, and the Erlang ecosystem.
- A Guided Tour through Tor Network Health and Performance

Alice Yuan Zhang 张元 (she/her) is a Chinese-American media artist, researcher, and community weaver. Her transdisciplinary practice cultivates socioecological connection through browsers and devices as well as embodied and analog mediums. Alice is a co-teacher of Solidarity Infrastructures at the School for Poetic Computation and co-founder of virtual care lab. Her artistic research has been supported by the Internet Archive, Processing Foundation, and 0x Salon. She regularly facilitates public engagements across major academic and cultural institutions as well as grassroots initiatives.
- Router Roleplay

Alvar Freude arbeitet seit ende 2017 beim Landesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit und leitet seit Sommer 2020 die Abteilung für technisch-organisatorischen Datenschutz und Internet-Recht.
- Datenschutz-Sprechstunde mit der Aufsichtsbehörde
- #xfilesgdpr: Datenschutz-Mythen aus 5 Jahren DS-GVO

- VOC – Frag die Teams
Andreas Bräu ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren im freifunk-Umfeld aktiv.
- B&B Opening
- TV broadcast Technik show and tell
Andreas Ullrich ist Medienkünstler, Kurator, Verleger, Stickerdrucker und HobbyPirat aus Dresden und Leipzig und leitet die Wildsmile Studios Dresden, das Netzwerk Medien Kunst sowie das C.Rockefeller Center for the contemporary Arts. Seit 2017 ist er Mitglied des Arts & Culture Tracks bei den Jahreskongressen des CCC sowie Mitglied bei Hackers without boarders.
- Open Stage
- 8 bit Dub
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, PEASEC
- Autonomie in Waffensystemen
Tagsüber macht anna ernste Dinge bei, abends schaltet sie Punkrock an und holt das goldene Pailettenkleid aus dem Schrank.
- Hacken, dass...?
Anna ist seit 2018 Büroleiterin der GFF ( und für das Fundraising zuständig. In verschiedenen Funktionen ist sie für einige Vereine und Verbände tätig: Sie begleitet diese im Aufbau- und Professionalisierungsprozess (insbesondere im Veranstaltungsmanagement, der Mitgliederstruktur und der internen Kommunikation), mediiert Konflikte und Auseinandersetzungen und bietet Schulungen und Trainings an.
- about:funding

Ich bin seit über zwanzig Jahren aktivistisch im Netz unterwegs, physisch meist in Berlin. Mit Themen wie Überwachung und Sicherheitsbehörden beschäftige ich mich nicht erst, seit ich vor vielen Jahren Kollateralschaden einer Anti-Terror-Überwachung wurde. Vor knapp zehn Jahren wurde ich dann Referentin für den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestages, seitdem bin ich Referentin für Netzpolitik der Linksfraktion. Vorher war ich bei einer NGO für digitale Sicherheit von Aktivist*innen und vulnerablen Gruppen zuständig.
- Digitale Gewalt - Das Update
- FireSide Hackerspaces
Mit dem Theaterlabel internil und unter eigenem Namen realisiert Arne Vogelgesang seit 2005 Kunstprojekte, die mit dokumentarischem Material, neuen Medien, Fiktion und Performance experimentieren. Er gibt ab und zu Talks und Workshops zu politischer Propaganda im Internet und forscht zur Verbindung von Theater und VR. Vorträge auf Chaos-Events: "Let's Play Infokrieg" 36C3, "This is not a Game" rc3.
- Kriegsökologie
- Bison Rouge

Grimberg aka Axel Ganz was born in 1965 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. He is cofounder of Toplap Düsseldorf Node. Since 2018 he organizes together with Markus van Well music concerts. He also conducts introductory workshops to live coding, robotics, 3d-design and 3d-printing. Since 2019 he lives and works in both countries, Germany and Georgia, Caucasia.
- Grimberg - Grim! Grim! Grim!

In ihren interdisziplinären Werken kreiert Aylin Leclaire Narrative, die Machtstrukturen und menschliche Interaktionen untersuchen. Sie benutzt unterschiedlichste Materialien und Medien, um politische, emotionale und räumliche Aspekte von Zuständen darzustellen.
Ein holistischer Ansatz ist eine Konstante in Leclaires Arbeiten. Dafür benutzt sie nicht selten Sound und Musik und lässt so den/die Betrachter:in vollends in Orte, Geschichten und Situationen eintauchen. Die Künstlerin beschäftigt sich jedoch nicht allein mit der dargestellten Interaktion oder der Interaktion zwischen Werk und Betrachter:in, sondern kollaboriert immer wieder im Arbeitsprozess mit anderen Künstler:innen und schafft so eine Interaktion zwischen unterschiedlichen Arbeitsweisen und Perspektiven.
Aylin Leclaire mag es zu provozieren und beweist dabei Humor, während sie Akteur:innen und Betrachter:innen herausfordert und dabei zum Teil ihrer Werke macht.
Mit ihrem folkloristisch-düsterpopigen Elektrosound entführt uns Aylin Leclaire immer wieder auf Reisen in andere Welten und Dimensionen. Mit einer Mischung aus atmosphärischen Klängen, komplexen Beats und experimentellen Elementen reiht sie sich in eine Riege von Interpretinnen wie Kate Bush, Björk und Jenny Hval ein. Die deutsch-türkische Musikerin erzählt mit ihrer virtuosen Stimme emotionsgeladene Geschichten, in denen sich ihre eigenen Lebenserfahrungen mit einer außerirdischen Poesie vermischen. Live verbinden sich künstlerisch anspruchsvolle Performances mit elaborierten Bühnengestaltungen zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk der interdisziplinären Künstlerin. Ihr Debutalbum Sculptural Rituals folgt dem Zyklus des künstlerischen Schaffens auf einer sehr berührend- intimen Ebene.
Neben kommenden Seitenprojekten wie dem Jellyfish Projekt in Kollaboration mit Verena Meis und dem Qualleninstitut Düsseldorf, dürfen wir uns schon bald auf ihr neues Album freuen!
(Banu Alpsü)
2019 schloss Aylin Leclaire ihr Studium an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf als Meisterschülerin von Martin Gostner ab. Sie studierte zudem am Sandberginstituut Amsterdam im Studiengang „Master of Voice“.
Aktuell lebt und arbeitet sie in Düsseldorf.
- Aylin Leclaire

Becca is a mother of two beautiful boys. In her free time, she loves to travel, study languages, read books and watch anime.
- Nintendo Switch Karaoke
- Nintendo Switch Karaoke

working on a PhD in informatics
- SCION for a greener Internet?
- Workshop / Discussion: SCION as an alternative Internet Architecture

I'm a Designer/Developer/Artist and I do great things using FOSS Software. That means have made everything from character rigs for my Little Pony fan projects to a research application, that is unironically being used in rocket science right now.
But most of you will probably know me trough the contributions in the realms of Accessibility and Design for CCC.
- My best worst nixOS setup: Game Development on SteamDeck

IT Project Manager und Certified Professional for Medical Software, Veteranin von WTH, HAR, OHM, SHA, MCH und den CC Camps seit 2007.
Meine Interessen würden das Zeichenlimit sprengen. Finde mich beim Beer Tasting, Lockpicking, am WOC, in den Vortragszelten und überall, wo etwas blinkt oder spannende Geräusche macht.
- Gemeinsam Gemüse gärtnern! FOSS und Shareware-Tomaten im Topf und im Beet
- How To Survive Being Sold to Oracle
blocktrron develops Gluon and OpenWrt.
- OpenWrt / Freifunk / Gluon Meetup

Blueloop / Alex Wenger ist ein Hacker, Medienkünstler, Ingenieur und Mitautor des Buchs "Arduino, Physical Computing für Bastler, Designer & Geeks" aus Karlruhe. / /
- Wellenfuchs / Wave Fox

I wear unicorn and cat onesies in the eveneing.
- A spontaneous introduction to the demoscene
- Chiptune with GameBoys and Nanoloop2

Bonnie Mehring has had an interest in Free Software for over 10 years. Through Free Software, she has not only acquired extensive knowledge about computers and technology but has also forged connections with others. She thoroughly enjoys participating in various Free Software conferences and events, where she relishes the opportunity to connect with individuals from the Free Software community. It is of utmost importance to Bonnie that inclusive and welcoming Free Software communities are established, allowing everyone to engage and learn. Currently employed as a junior project manager at the Free Software Foundation Europe, Bonnie actively contributes to organizing the annual “I Love Free Software Day” and "Youth Hacking 4 Freedom" competition.
- FSFE Meet-up and Free Software Song singalong
- FSFE Meet-up and Free Software Song singalong
- FSFE Meet-up and Free Software Song singalong
- B&B Opening
- Sharing the power of appreciation: Celebrating 'I Love Free Software Day'
buecherwurm ist in verschiedenen Awareness-Teams aktiv und macht sonst diskriminierungskritische Bildungsarbeit und systemische Beratung. Das Thema beschäftigt sie schon seit langem.
- Missbräuchliche Beziehungen - Was können Umfeld und Community tun?
Auch 2023 gibt es ein Awareness-Team beim Camp. c3awareness ist z.B. für euch da, wenn:
- ihr belästigt oder diskriminiert wurdet,
- eure persönlichen Grenzen missachtet wurden,
- ihr (persönliche oder strukturelle) Diskriminierung mitbekommt,
- ihr euch unwohl fühlt und eine Person zum Reden braucht.
Am direktesten sind wir per DECT (113) zu erreichen, ansonsten aber auch per Mail, via mastodon und Matrix. Wenn ihr kein DECT zur Verfügung habt, könnt ihr auch z.B. zum Infodesk gehen oder eine Person mit DECT bitten uns anzurufen. Oder ihr kommt zu unserer Anlaufstelle beim CERT.
- c3awareness Vorstellung und Q&A

Carlo Meijer is a PhD candidate at Radboud University Nijmegen (RU). His research focuses on the analysis of cryptographic systems deployed in the wild. He is known for his work on the security of so-called Self-Encrypting Drives (SEDs). Furthermore, he is known for breaking a hardened variant of Crypto1, the cipher used in the Mifare Classic family of cryptographic RFID tags. Finally, he co-authored research into default passwords in consumer routers as deployed by ISPs in the Netherlands. All three studies have uncovered major security shortcomings with widespread impact.
At RU, he taught the Hacking in C and Operating System Security courses. Both of which aimed to give students hands-on practical experience with binary exploitation, in-depth knowledge of several mitigation schemes and their respective bypasses.
- All cops are broadcasting: Obtaining the secret TETRA primitives after decades in the shadows
Carolina is the People and Culture Coordinator at Tactical Tech. Carolina focuses on strengthening and empowering the team, building bridges with communities worldwide, and creating solid relationships with external stakeholders. She is passionate about Human Rights, Culture and intercultural communication. Through her studies, she has lived in countries like Mexico, Colombia and Chile, where she explored and worked on topics related to social and political issues, Human Rights and culture of peace, Humanitarian and Political Crises and conflicts, Indigenous Rights and Indigenous languages revitalization.
- Dont Look Up!!! Bridging Climate Justice and Digital Rights
Just a generic (hardware) hacker. I am involved in the KiCad project and will present some related content.
- Design a circuit board with KiCad (Day 1)
- CANCELED [Design a circuit board with KiCad (Day 5)]
Frustrierter 2. Klassiger Softwareentwickler
Elektronikbastler, Badgedesigner, 3D-Drucker, MPCNC und Pick And Place Bauer, Heimautomatisierungsverachter, Linux User, Freifunker, Open Source Enthusiast und Space Aufräumer
- Pick and Pain. Oder: Wie oft man innerhalb eines Projektes scheitern kann.

Krawuzi Kapuzi!
- Leihroller hacken. Ein Kasperltheater.

IT-Hintergrund, jedoch bin ich jetzt seit 5 Jahren Vollzeit in der Klimabewegung unterwegs - als Aktivist, Moderator, mit Organisationsentwicklung und mit Workshops.
Gründung von AI4Future
Ich bin schon lange in der Gewaltfreien Kommunikations-Szene unterwegs und suche Wege zwischenmenschliches Zusammenleben durch Kommunikation, Organisation und Technik zu unterstützen.
- AI und Gesellschaftlicher Wandel - Möglichkeiten und Visionen
- Chapeau Club (Tag 3)
- Chapeau-Club (Tag 2)

Adam John Williams is an award-winning multidisciplinary digital artist, multi-instrumental musician, electronic hardware hacker, designer, filmmaker, livecoder, DJ & VJ.
Their works inhabit the overlapping areas between music, art, performance, 3D projection mapping, electronic hardware development, and creative computing.
Born & raised in Wales, after spending 7 years working & studying in London during which time they graduated from the London College of Music, they moved to Berlin in pursuit of a more creative, artistic & shamelessly hedonistic lifestyle.
Alumni of the 2015 CTM MusicMakers Hacklab, host of countless art & music themed hackathons around the globe, as well as founder of Macrodactyl Computer Club & the Berlin Musik Hackspace, Adam spends their time performing, organising events & producing media content.
When not working or partying, you’d likely find them producing artworks often themed around gender, sexuality, consciousness & intoxication which have been performed & exhibited in Tate Modern, Tate Britain, the Science Museum, Red Bull Music Academy, IRCAM Centre Pompidou and Hebbel Am Ufer, as well as featuring on Channel 4, ITV and BBC television.
- Livecoded Audiovisual Electronic Music Performance

👉🏼Prototype Fund, Program Lead @
👉🏼 CEO @ schaefer | hansen
👉🏼 Storytelling & Kommunikation @
- Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund Germany & Switzerland
- What prototypes do we need for a sustainable future?

StöRenFrieD is a dresden based musician and multimedia artist doing weird stuff since 2001...
- NoiseToys - not just for boys

Claire a self-taught hardware hacker/maker and open source hardware enthusiast. She comes from a background of running a small business making and selling accessories and art at comicons and sci-fi/fantasy conventions for over a decade. Currently, she works full time as a Project Manager for Crowd Supply helping makers and engineers bring their open source hardware to market, and part time for the Open Source Hardware Association. Claire is enthusiastic about the spirit of open source hardware, rather then the logic, and
is constantly working to break down gatekeeping around anything considered “tech”.
- Solder a pathlighter PCB badge! (Day 1)
- Solder a pathlighter PCB badge! (Day 2)

Clemens, member of the Viennese hackspace, is an embedded linux engineer with a background in community wireless networks, electrical engineering.
- unexpected coffee: a dive into industrial coffee machines

Coco schreibt tagsüber Software und kümmert sich abends in ihrer NABU-Gruppe um den Vogelschutz.
- Digitalisierung im Brutvogel-Monitoring
- Open Source Gardens - Eine bessere Welt ist pflanzbar!
Während meines Studiums der Technischen Informatik begann ich mit der Arbeit im Raumfahrtsektor. Seitdem bin ich bei einer "New Space" Firma beschäftigt und fokossiere mich dort auf die Kommunikation, Authentifizierung/Verschlüsselung und die bare-metal Programmierung.
Raumfahrt und Computersicherheit haben micht schon lange interessiert. Seit dem 32C3 bin ich nun auch auf Chaos-Events unterwegs, dort trifft man mich oft beim CERT an.
- Welche Sprache sprechen Satelliten? Ein Überblick über Protokolle und verwendete Sicherheitsmechanismen.
Constanze Kurz ist ehrenamtliche Sprecherin des Chaos Computer Clubs. Sie ist promovierte Informatikerin, Aktivistin, Publizistin und Autorin von Sachbüchern über Technik, Computerisierung und Gesellschaft und über Ethik in der Informatik.
- Staatstrojaner für bereits begangene Straftaten
Mit CADUS e.V. denke ich seit 2014 über Grundsätze der humanitären Hilfe nach, wie wir diese sinnvoll in Prozessen abbilden können, und warum das Ganze eigentlich. Das passiert mal in Berlin hinterm Rechner, und mal im internationalen Einsatz während einer Krise. Aber oft genug bleibt für diese wichtigen Fragen viel zu wenig Zeit. Da kommt so ein slot doch ganz gelegen....
- Humanitäre Prinzipien als Werkzeug in der Not- und Katastrophenhilfe

I've been in system administration for about twenty years, and have lots of experience in the managed webhosting business. I'm hosting government and industry websites and frequently experience DDoS attacks.
- How to survive getting DDoSed by Anonymous, Cyberberkut, Killnet and noname057(16) since 2012

Hello world.
- Cryptocafé – Workshop zur digitalen Selbstverteidigung
- Hackfahrschule

cy / Chris is a Software Developer with a long-time SysAdmin background. He is interested in Cloud, Automation and DevSecOps Topics.
Chris runs the Karlsruhe DevOps Meetup and helps out organizing #milliways
In his day job he sells shampoo online.
- FIDO2 - the superior Multi Factor Authentication Framework
Just a cat
- Schlag den Nerd
- TV broadcast Technik show and tell
- Was ist Wetter, was ist Klima?

Darcy Neal is an electronic artist with a fascination for physical computing and visual soundscapes and has studied audio electronics since 2007. They have a fascination for sonic manipulation through physical interactions and explores the cross-pollination of the senses using electronic mediums, which culminates in handmade sound sculptures and custom lighting installations.
- Solder a pathlighter PCB badge! (Day 1)
- Solder a pathlighter PCB badge! (Day 2)

- Service Location Protocol DoS Amplification Attack

Ummm ... I like to build and play Poi?
- Poi Light Show
Dennis Giese is a researcher with focus on the security and privacy of IoT devices.
While being interested in physical security and lockpicking, he enjoys applied research and reverse engineering malware and all kinds of devices.
His most known projects are the documentation and hacking of various vacuum robots. His current vacuum robot army consists of over 45 different models from various vendors.
- Vacuum robot security and privacy - prevent your robot from sucking your data
- #clubsAREculture

Dominik Maier holds a PhD from TU Berlin where he focussed on fuzzing. He is part of the AFLplusplus project, and currently works on connectivity security for the largest smartphone OS.
- 📶 Analyzing Cellular Basebands with FirmWire 🔎

Dominik likes Mate, Metal and Computers, even though the whoami
command sometimes gives him an existential crisis.
- Disclosure, Hack and Back
- Donna Luetjen
Erik liebt alles Freie Software und Open Source und kombiniert das bei den Open Source Gardens noch seiner Leidenschaft fürs Gärtnern.
- Garden Hacks & Technology Snacks (Lightning Talks)
- Open Source Gardens - Eine bessere Welt ist pflanzbar!
Underground Conference 11 (Demoparty) 2021 Bingen am Rhein / Liquid D&B Set
Underground Conference 12 2022 / Techno Set, House Set, Deephouse Set
Deadline Demoparty 2022 Berlin / Techno und (moderne) "Bitmusik"
Zenta Demoparty 2022 Bingen am Rhein / Techno und Partymusik dritter vs. messy. Improvisiertes Set.
Soundcheck One Waldbronn 2023 / Trance / Techno Set
Revision (Demoparty 2023 ) / Liquid / Techno dritter vs. messy
- chilly D&B set by dritter
- Sports under surveillance
Eileen is a UX designer working in security and decentralization.
- Decent Patterns: an Open UX Library for Decentralisation

Elektra has been developing wireless mesh technology for community networks and solar powered systems in Germany, Bangladesh, India, Chile, Tanzania, South Africa. She is the author of 'Mesh' and one of the authors of "Wireless Networking in the Developing World."
She took part in the development of and
She has developed the Freifunk-OpenMPPT, a open software/hardware solar controller with Maximum Power Point Tracking: She also writes radical philosophical books about non-thinking and the relationship between language and consciousness.
- Resilient solar energy-autonomous infrastructure with Freifunk-OpenMPPT controllers
Elisabeth Niekrenz ist als Rechtsanwältin im nationalen und internationalen Datenschutzrecht tätig. Sie berät Organisationen bei der praktischen Umsetzung des Datenschutzes, begleitet Mandant:innen bei der rechtskonformen Entwicklung von Technologieprodukten sowie bei Datenschutz-Folgeabschätzungen. Zudem führt sie datenschutzrechtliche Gerichtsverfahren. Ihr besonderes Interesse gilt den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Grundrechte und Gesellschaft.
Elisabeth Niekrenz ist seit 2021 Rechtsanwältin bei der Kanzlei Spirit Legal. Zuvor war sie als politische Referentin für eine Bürgerrechtsorganisation in der Berliner Netzpolitik, die Digitale Gesellschaft e.V., tätig. Neben dem Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Leipzig belegte sie Kurse in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Soziologie und politischer Theorie.
- Datenschutz vor Gericht durchsetzen
at superrr, formerly at trainquilizer
- Digital Rights in Europa
Elliot is a life-long hacker with a love for making things move, flash, or make noise. He's somehow parlayed this into becoming editor-in-chief at Hackaday, but still finds some time for side projects from time to time.
- PID Loops Control All the Things

c-atre collectivdrama in it's current version are a handful of actors/puppeteers who worked on this film from Summer 2021 to Winter 2022.
We are based on the c-base spacestation and performed three real-life Sci-Fi plays in the past.
- HiP Party
- Never mind the gigwork - here's the Coffeebots

equi's natural habitat at camp is the NOC tent, though he can be a bit skittish when approached with too much gusto. Travelled birdwatchers might also spot him being a maintainer on FRRouting or at IETF and RIPE events. Suitable bait for sniping shots can be found in naked high-speed networking hardware, FPGAs and other embedded hardware.
- Fake 10Gb until you make 10Gb

erdgeist is a Berlin based freelance and open source developer and political activist.
- Live-Performance eines DIY-Instruments: Die Laserharfe
- Staatstrojaner für bereits begangene Straftaten

Eric Sesterhenn is working as an IT Security consultant for more than 20 years, working mostly in the areas of source code auditing and penetration testing.
He has identified vulnerabilities in various software projects including the Linux kernel, and multiple IoT Operating Systems.
- Ein nerdiger Blick auf die zivile Seenotrettung der Mare*Go
Backt schon seit vielen Jahren Waffeln
- Munteres Waffelbacken
- Fantastic build system failure modes and how to fix them

I'm Erwin Ernst Steinhammer (pronouns below), better known as eest9. I consider myself a digital activist from Austria.
In recent years I have worked on a wide variety of topics, at the intersection of technology and society. My core concerns are more political participation, public discourse and transparency of the administration.
Pronouns, in languages where I have a proficiency of at least A1:
* en: they/them
* de: er/ihm
* fr: iel/lui
* ÖGS: IX-er
- Will the Fediverse Fragment?
- WTF DJI, UAV CTF?! - A hacker's view at commercial drone security

Florin Hasler ist Geschäftsführer von und leitete die letzten zwei Jahre den Prototype Fund Schweiz. Als Leiter unserer Advocacy-Aktivitäten und der Zusammenarbeit mit der Verwaltung (Bundesamt für Statistik, Bundeskanzlei etc.) setzt er sich für eine holistische, gemeinwohlorientierte Digitalisierung ein. Zuvor war er in den Bereichen der politischen Kommunikation und der Aussenpolitik tätig.
- Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund Germany & Switzerland
- What prototypes do we need for a sustainable future?
sigsegv and Milliways
- Movie Night: wargames
- Movie Night: Hackers
- Movie Night: 23
- 23pm-1am: Franz Fries Vinyl (tropical-, afro- & worldmusic tunes + contemporary house & techno and maybe some disco-edits)

Fraxinas is an IT engineer from Aschaffenburg who passionately likes tinkering in Makerspaces. Founder of Repair Cafés and regular TV appearance as the "Repairfox".
- Repair Café

Gabriel is a Security Consultant at SRLabs focused on telco and blockchain security. His main interests include SIM card security and blockchain fuzzing.
- DON’T PANIC - bytes, blocks, bugs
Gabriella (Biella) Coleman is a full professor in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University and is a faculty associate at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Her scholarship and teaching address questions of science, technology and medicine, focusing on the politics, cultures, and ethics of hacking. She is the author of two books on computer hackers and the founder and editor of Hack_Curio, a video portal into the cultures of hacking.
- Hacks and leaks, then and now

A software engineer from Texas who works on the Intune MAM iOS SDK. Currently working on a Masters at UT Austin.
- Demystify Mach-O
Works at Tor with network health.
- A Guided Tour through Tor Network Health and Performance

- Using LoRa without Infrastructure for Decentralized Communication
Mitglied im "Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung" (FIfF)
- B&B Opening
Free Software developer.
Sometimes gets computers to do what he wants.
- Flohmarkt - Eine dezentrale föderierte Inseratplattform

Community Team Lead @ Tor Project
- A Guided Tour through Tor Network Health and Performance
Network enthusiast and enjoys being a construction, video or decoration Engel at camps.
DECT: 8838
- WLED-Lion workshop: Learn soldering and programming LED lights
- LabIX: Creating an Internet Exchange in your local Hackerspace

Geographically indecisive hacker and hardware (eBay) enthusiast. I enjoy requesting GPL source code for products, despairing over my inability to find confidential datasheets, and improv theatre.
- Defeating planned obsolescence for Cisco Meraki switches
LifeStudent | Philosopher | Freethinker | Chad Innovation Hub Founder | Leading Chad Digital Transition
| Civictech lover | Tech4good & #SDGs artist | Mandela Washington Fellow 2016.
- Building civic tech in a difficult environment

InfoSec (Pentesting) | CTF @Sauercl0ud @allesctf | CCC Foo @chaosdorf | hanging out with @milliways at events
- CTF - What?
- r2wars - battle bots in shared memory

Hanno is a freelance Journalist with a focus on climate, energy, and IT security. He has previously given talks at CCC events about a variety of topics. He writes a regular newsletter about industrial decarbonization and the lesser known challenges of climate mitigation.
- The difficult path to Climate Neutrality
- Bosch sensors in the flow3r badge
Harald Welte is a recovering Linux Kernel hacker with a history of hacking and developing (mostly open source) hardware, firmware and system-level software. Working in network protocols ever since the 1990s, he has dedicated the last 15 years of his life to spearheading Free and Open Source software in the domain of cellular networks.
He has worked extensively on implementations of cellular protocol stacks on virtually any interface at any protocol level from 2G to 4G - most of that in the context of the Osmocom project, which he co-started.
You can find more information on the (sadly rather infrequently updated) blog, and the usually more up-to-date fediverse presence at
- Demystifying eSIM Technology
electrical & computer engineering @ RWTH
hacking & CTF @ CCCAC
digital forensics & incident response @ G DATA ADAN
- Stories from the Life of an Incident Responder

Passionate about everything to do with privacy and security.
- TrustMeRelay? Investigating Apple's iCloud Private Relay

Helen Leigh is a hardware hacker and writer from Wales, via London and Berlin. Leigh makes experimental musical instruments using textiles, metal, electronics and code. She is currently based in Portland, Oregon, USA, where she is Head of Community at Crowd Supply, the crowdfunding platform for open source hardware.
Leigh's first book in her own name was "The Crafty Kid’s Guide to DIY Electronics", published by McGraw Hill. She has written about hacking and making for publications all over the world, including a regular hardware column for Make:Magazine. Leigh was also the lead developer for the popular MINI.MU glove, an open source hardware gesture-controlled musical instrument that young people sew, wire, code and play themselves.
- Soft Electronics: Sewing Circuits
- Hardware Happy Hour
- Finding Sound and Making Microphones
- Hacken, dass...?
- Elektronisches Orchester Charlottenburg

Hetti is an IT Security Expert based in Vienna and part of the finest Viennese Hackspace Metalab.
During day he is breaking IT infrastructure for a living and at night he works on fun hacking projects and deals with state-of-the-art legacy infrastructure.
He enjoys traveling to community based IT (Security) Conferences and Camps.
You can also find him at the Chaos Computer Club Vienna (C3W) where he is mainly involved with Chaos Macht Schule (CmS).
On some weekends he is hunting flags with the successful academic CTF Team We_0wn_Y0u.
- unexpected coffee: a dive into industrial coffee machines

hexchen. ein chaotisches Wesen, was viel mit Zügen unterwegs ist. Tagsüber aktiv als Sysadministress/Sysadmin in distress, war mal Bahnerin. Pronomen sie/ihr.
- Munteres Waffelbacken
Interessiert an Programmiersprachen. Insbesondere an Programmiersprachen mit Syntax ähnlich der natürlichen Sprache und an Programmieren in Programmiersprachen mit nicht auf englischen Schlüsselwörtern basierender Syntax.
- Code wiedergeben in Musikform
- Non-English based Programming
co-ordinating developments for Delta Chat, has given talks at CCC events -- living in Freiburg black forest.
- Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects
- Delta Chat messenger: unlocking the potential of e-mail and the web
- Reproducible Builds, the first ten years
- Unlogistic
- Turbo & Blümchen
- Ponys auf Pump
- Blümchen und Turbo

irq7 ist seit mehreren Jahren in der Chiptune Szene als Gameboy-Liveact aktiv.
Der erste Kontakt zu dieser Art von Musik kam 2003 durch ein Konzert des Gameboymusicclub's in
Graz zustande. Daraufhin folgt der Kauf den ersten Gameboys und dann schließlich das erste
Konzert im Jahr 2006. Davor ein überzeugter Fan des Commodore 64 Sounds und sammeln erster
Erfahrungen mit Tracker-Software am Amiga
Um noch mehr aus den alten Handhelds raus zu holen, beginnt irq7 seine Gameboys selbst zu
modifizieren und zu erweitern . Alle Aktivitäten werden seither auf seinem Blog veröffentlicht. Des Weiteren ist er seit 2010 Mitorganisator des jährliche n
Chiptune Festival s CHIP HITS THE FAN in Nürnberg.
- Gameboymusic Workshop
- irq7 - Gameboy Liveshow

I'm Jadyn I do lots of things with computers. My main focus is on DevOps and cyber security.
- The Art of Heißkleber
- The magic behind "one-click" deployments
There is not that much of a biography, I'm a student and will (hopefully) have completed my bachelor by the end of the year.
- Mastering the Maze: Unleashing Reinforcement Learning in Penetration Testing for Lateral Network Movement
- Mastering the Maze: Unleashing Reinforcement Learning in Penetration Testing for Lateral Network Movement
Eigentlich Mechatroniker, seit September 2022 im Rahmen eines Bundesfreiwilligendienstes bei Digitalcourage.
- Chatkontrolle ex Machina

- Zivile Forensik gegen staatliche Überwachung von Journalist*innen
- batbiz

Ich habe Mathe studiert und anschließend eine Promotion im Bereich angewandter Optimierung gemacht. Als Postdoc habe versucht Reinforcement Learning und Molekulardynamik zusammen zu bringen und habe die Vorlesung Maschine Learning für Data Science betreut. Ich habe beim KI Camp der Gesellschaft für Informatik (2021) einen Vortag über Reinforcement Learning gehalten. Diese Jahr habe ich zusammen mit Linus Neumann über das Thema KI und Security bei der Heise Security Show gesprochen.
- Demystifying AI
Jean Peters ist Journalist und Aktionskünstler. Er hat in London und Berlin Politikwissenschaften studiert und 2013 das medientaktische Kollektiv Peng! gegründet, mit dem er regelmäßig Unternehmen unterwandert, auf mehreren Kunst-Biennalen ausstellt und das mit dem Aachener Friedenspreis ausgezeichnet wurde. 2018 war er Mitbegründer der NGO Seebrücke und arbeitet seit 2019 regelmäßig für das Recherchezentrum Correctiv, für das er hier auf dem Camp auch Ansprechpartner ist, wenn ihr gute Tipps habt, was mal recherchiert werden sollte.
- Was das Mykonos-Attentat mit dem abgeschotteten Netz Irans zu tun hat
Nach meinem Forschungsmaster an der TH-Augsburg arbeite ich seit 2020 beim DLR in der Mobilen Raketenbasis (MORABA) als "Servicemodule Engineer" überwiegend in den Bereichen Mechanik und Elektronik. Nebenbei bin ich Gründer des Vereins "AUXSPACE e.V." welcher angewandte Raumfahrtforschung für Studierende der Augsburger Universitäten ermöglichen soll.
- Bits and Bytes in Microgravity: Insights into the hardware and software of sounding rockets

Jean-Philipp Baeck ist Reporter im Reportage & Recherche-Ressort der taz (die tageszeitung).
Seine Recherche-Schwerpunkte sind Antisemitismus, Rassismus gegen Roma, Migration, Extreme Rechte, Terrorismus, IT-Sicherheit und Desinformation.
Seine Texte bei der taz:!a228/
- Was das Mykonos-Attentat mit dem abgeschotteten Netz Irans zu tun hat
Jeffrey Roe is a software/hardware engineer with a passion for creating unique and innovative projects. In his free time, he loves to experiment with bubble machines, bone conduction technology, IoT devices, and anything that involves LEDs. As a firm believer in the power of making and creativity, Jeffrey co-runs Dublin Maker, an annual festival that showcases the best of the maker community. He is also heavily involved with Tog, Dublin's Hackerspace, which provides a collaborative environment for people to work on their projects. Jeffrey is currently the chair of the electronics and computing division of Engineers Ireland. He is also an amateur radio enthusiast, constantly exploring new ways to integrate technology into his projects.
- Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station 📡

- Wir müssen über KI sprechen – trotz des Hypes
Formerly incarcerated hacktivist, anarchist, antifascist, and agent of chaos
Be gay do crime ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Hacks and leaks, then and now
Der Vortragende ist langjähriger Raumfahrer in der Berliner Raumfahrtagentur und hielt daselbst 2018 als Vertreter der Obersten Raumfahrtbehoerde die Ansprache zum 10-jährigen Bestehen der RFA.
- Back On Mars. Short track novel - lecture performance
I have been running Bug bounty programs since 2016 and hacking on them myself since. 150+ M&A Security Due Diligence evaluations, ~40 per year.
Head of Security Testing at Visma.
- Ethical hacking, good intentions and questionable outcomes

jof is a hacker-type human that loves cats, all things telecom, Internet routing, ham radio, cycling, urbanism, and kindness.
He got time-rich over the pandemic years, and curious at the prevalence and opacity of RFID fobs in his life (office access, public transport, apartment building access, hackerspace access, payment cards, etc.), and so he started learning everything he could about how to interact with them.
- RFID Exploration Workshop

Informatics graduate, trying to cobble together some sort of academic career. Likes Space, Graphs, and Free Software.
- How to Route a Package to Mars

Johannes Klick is a passionate researcher and IT security expert. His research focuses on fast and efficient global internet scanning for identifying network infrastructures and attack surfaces of organisations, critical infrastructures and companies. He has given presentations at internationally recognised conferences such as ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Chaos Communication Camp and Blackhat USA.
- How to use Internet scans and passive measurements to analyze Russian attacks and their impact in Ukraine
- Using LoRa without Infrastructure for Decentralized Communication

Red teamer during a day and open source developer during the night. joohoi is the author or a contributor to multiple widely used security tools, ffuf and certbot being the most known ones.
- Deep Dive: External Attack Surface Mapping - Digging Deeper (Part 2 of 2)
- Deep Dive: External Attack Surface Mapping - First Steps (Part 1 of 2)

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss (he/him) is the community manager of the KDE Eco project. The goal of KDE Eco is to strengthen sustainability goals as part of the development and adoption of Free Software.
- Free Software: Software Design For The Environment

Jos Wetzels is a co-founding partner and security researcher at Midnight Blue. His research has involved reverse-engineering, vulnerability research and exploit development across various domains ranging from industrial and automotive systems to IoT, networking equipment and deeply embedded SoCs. He has uncovered critical zero-day vulnerabilities in dozens of embedded TCP/IP stacks, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and RTOSes. He previously worked as a researcher at the Distributed and Embedded Security Group (DIES) at the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands where he developed exploit mitigation solutions for constrained embedded devices deployed in critical infrastructure, performed security analyses of state-of-the-art network and host-based intrusion detection systems and has been involved in research projects regarding on-the-fly detection and containment of unknown malware and APTs.
- All cops are broadcasting: Obtaining the secret TETRA primitives after decades in the shadows
IT-Security guy at day, hacker/maker at night.
- Building a cloud-free digital voice assistant with FOSS
- A Guided Tour through Tor Network Health and Performance

Julia Longtin is a long time Free Software developer, and 3D printing enthusiast. She has been designing and building 3D printers for over a decade, but has only been working with haskell for the last 8 years, since she discovered ImplicitCAD. An Operations Engineer by trade, Julia comes from the United States, but moved to Berlin with her wife four years ago.
- A geometry engine from first principles - the first three years of a six month project.
Julian has been part of the hacker community for over 20 years. In recent times they became curious about their surrounding world, started to grow and forage mushrooms, got interested in urban foraging and joined a bio-hackspace.
- Nerds touching grass - Let’s start a bio-hackspace-revolution
- DB Schnüffelnavigator

kantorkel ist rC3-zertifizierter Teleshopping-Ultra aus Hamburg. Er betreibt Tor-Exit-Knoten, mischt bei Reclaim Your Face mit und ist kein Freund von Gesichtersuchmaschinen.
- Gemeinsam Gesichter-Suchmaschinen stoppen
- Disclosure, Hack and Back

Khaleesi engagiert sich im CCC und ist eine der Sprecher*innen des Büdnis „Chatkontrolle Stoppen!“
Ihr Fokus liegt auf Policy und Advocacy Arbeit auf EU-Ebene.
Sie ist Informatikerin und arbeitet im IT-Sicherheitsbereich.
- Chaos Communication Camp 2023 Closing
- Chat-Control: now is the time to take action!
- If It Ain't Broken, Do Fix It: Building Modern Cryptography

Kirils Solovjovs is an IT policy activist, bug bounty hunter, and the most visible white-hat hacker in Latvia having discovered and responsibly disclosed or reported multiple security vulnerabilities in information systems of both national and international significance. He has extensive experience in social engineering, penetration testing, network flow analysis, reverse engineering, and the legal dimension.
He has developed the jailbreak tool for Mikrotik RouterOS, as well as created e-Saeima, helping the Latvian Parliament become the first parliament in the world that is prepared for a fully remote legislative process.
- So you're interested in social engineering? The very first steps
Hi, I'm Kliment, I do hardware for fun, and more hardware for a living, and I teach others to make hardware as well.
- Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 1)
- Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 2)
- Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 3)
- Electronics prototyping is way too easy and there's no reason you can't do it
- Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 5)
- Surface Mount Electronics Assembly for Terrified Beginners (Day 4)

- Gaming und Überwachungskapitalismus
- Chatkontrolle ex Machina
- „Chatkontrolle Stoppen!“ Aktionsworkshop
- Chat-Control: now is the time to take action!
Kris arbeitet derzeit als Network Detection Engineer im Bankensektor. Zuvor war er als Forensic Analyst und Incident Handler in internationalen Organisationen und im deutschen Mittelstand tätig. Dank seiner langjährigen Erfahrung in der IT-Sicherheit kennt Kris den Forschungsbereich sowie die IT und SOCs von mittelständischen Unternehmen bis hin zu DAX30-Konzernen. Darüber hinaus liest er in seiner Freizeit gerne und beschäftigt sich mit neuen Techniken und Technologien.
- Stories from the Life of an Incident Responder

- Datenschutz ist Kunst
- Datenschutz ist Kunst

A Hacker from Copenhagen Denmark, have a passion for buttons and weird displays.
And co-founder of the local Hackerspace Labitat.
- WLED-Lion workshop: Learn soldering and programming LED lights

Datenreisender vom Bodensee
- Munteres Waffelbacken
- Bubbles

Visited all CCC Camps, co-created the Hacker Space Design Patterns, doing IT-Security for a living, owns a sail boat, does amateur radio communication, and wants to live in a Solarpunk future.
- The Failed Space Program of the Hacker Scene
- #CCCamp23 Review

Leena Simon, Netzphilosophin (M.A.) und IT-Beraterin, beschäftigt sich mit digitaler Mündigkeit und Technikpaternalismus. Sie arbeitet für Digitalcourage e.V. und kooperiert mit dem Anti-StalkingProjekt in Berlin. Ihr Ziel: Menschen befähigen, Verantwortung über ihre digitale Kommunikation zu übernehmen.
- Gespräch: Eine digitale Währung mit den Eigenschaften von Bargeld – ist das möglich?
- Ein Rätesystem fürs Fediverse?
- Lesung "Digitale Mündigkeit"

Die Forschung von Lena Ulbricht befasst sich mit dem Zusammenspiel von Governance und digitalen Technologien. Sie untersucht dabei, wie digitale Technologien Herrschaft über Bevölkerungen ausüben und wo dies auf Widerstand stößt. Sie erforscht zudem die gesellschaftlichen Ambitionen zur Gestaltung von digitalen Technologien und Technologiekonzernen, etwa durch staatliche Regulierung und zivilgesellschaftliche Eigenentwicklungen. Lena Ulbricht ist Sprecherin des DVPW-Arbeitskreises „Digitalisierung und Politik“, Mitbegründerin des Deutschen Netzwerks „Digitale Gesellschaften in Lateinamerika“ und Co-Host des Podcasts „PurpleCode – intersektional feministische Perspektiven auf digitale Gesellschaften“.
- Produktionsbedingungen digitaler Technologien – Systemkritik mit feministischen und dekolonialen Perspektiven
leona is active in the CCC Cologne. She plays with computers, does software development and system ops
- Chaos Communication Camp 2023 Opening
- Jens Spahns credit score is "very good"

„Linus Neumann ist Sprecher des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC).
Linus ist einer der Hauptmoderatoren des Podcasts "Logbuch:Netzpolitik". Zusammen mit seinem Co-Moderator Tim Pritlove diskutiert er in jeder Folge aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich Netzpolitik, Datenschutz und digitale Rechte.
Der Podcast hat eine große Hörerschaft und ist eine beliebte Informationsquelle für Menschen, die sich für diese Themen interessieren,“ sagt ChatGPT.
- Disclosure, Hack and Back
- Logbuch:Netzpolitik

Louis is a security researcher at SRLabs, focusing on blockchain security and the team's fuzzing efforts.
- DON’T PANIC - bytes, blocks, bugs
Hey, I'm @cyanpencil. Currently on a rehab program to get off from CTFs. Playing with organizers!
- How to succeed at capturing the flag
- ask me anything about Mobilfunk
I studied science of education, social work, intercultural studies and have a master of business administration. Since 20 years I give workshops of politic education. I help associations in their organizational structure, help fundraising and write proposals.
Since January 2022 Raphael and me constructed Zusammenland gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) to do, what we think ist necessary to change the crazy situations around ist. Since January 2023 we own our vessel the MAREGO, which is now operating in sea rescue deployments in the central med. that's my website in German that's our website of the association that's our website of the vessel MAREGO
- Ein nerdiger Blick auf die zivile Seenotrettung der Mare*Go
- Latin set by /madonius
- MADTIXX in the morning - Deep & Melodic House to boot up
- MADTIXX - Drum & Ballern! 🎉 (DNB)

Maggie Mayhem is a former sex worker, full spectrum birth worker, and death worker. She is an advisor with the Distributed Denial of Secrets board whose work as an activist has been profiled by The Atlantic and Huffington Post. She has spoken at the UN Digital Rights Forum, DefCon, HOPE, SxSW, Center For Democracy and Technology, and universities around the world. Her website is MaggieMayhem.Com
- Sex Workers Versus Surveillance

manu is an Alien from Northern Germany. While his first Chaos event was 30C3, he is just in the recent years getting actively involved in the Chaos community. He has an on-and-off relationship with the global sticker/streetart community and his first hand-made stickers were flowers and birds he put up around his school. His fascination with adhesive artworks and his engagement with c3stoc have somehow gotten him into volunteering with the team behind the Datenschleuder and the Hackbibel 3, and he’s also currently exploring the CCC’s history in his involvement with the Hacker Archive as well.
- From c3stoc with love <3
For several years, I have been doing hands-on research in embedded systems security at a research institute.
- Unlock the Door to my Secrets, but don’t Forget to Glitch
Ich beschäftige mich inzwischen seit mehreren Jahren mit der IT der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Zunächst zivilgesellschaftlich bei Code for Germany und im CCC. Inzwischen auch beruflich in einer Behörde. Beim technischen Design von IT-Systemen blicke ich dabei vor allem auf Aspekte des technischen Datenschutzes und der IT-Sicherheit dieser Systeme und beschäftige mich mit den gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen der IT-Infrastruktur, die wir in Deutschland und der EU gerade aufbauen.
- Selbsthilfegruppe für verwaltungsnahe Menschen mit IT-Background ("Faxgeräteclub")
Kreatur aus dem Entropia
Bekannt für jahrelangen professionellen Umgang mit Heißkleber!
- The Art of Heißkleber

Marie is an open source and privacy advocate, campaigner, event organizer and information security trainer. She studied cultural journalism and researched new models for online journalism platforms. Since then, she has worked as a freelance journalist, campaigner, communications officer, infosec trainer and event organizer for various projects in journalism, privacy and open source.
She works at Open Knowledge Foundation Germany as a co-director of the FOSS funding programm Prototype Fund, serves as a board member of Digitale Gesellschaft and takes care of sticker operations with c3stoc.
- Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund Germany & Switzerland
- Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects
- Prototype Fund & Friends Meetup
- From c3stoc with love <3
Crafted a campaign against freeparty repression 20 years ago, bringing the live forces of underground tekno to the social movement to fight back securitarism, I later worked for La Quadrature du Net (GDPR, Net Neutrality).
- Do we need Taler or does Taler need us ?

Markus macht normalerweise was mit Netz und Politik. Und manchmal auch was mit Musik.
Markus usually does something with the net and with politics. And sometimes also something with music.
- Dance for your digital rights
Markus Hamid ist Campaigner bei Digitalcourage e.V. und betreut dort vor Allem den Shop und Social Media.
Seine freie Zeit verbringt er mit Kochen, Pen&Paper Rollenspielen, Gaming und mit dem Versuch eine riesige Wiese hinter seinem Haus in einen naturnahen Garten umzuwidmen.
- Gaming und Überwachungskapitalismus
Markus Reuter recherchiert und schreibt zu Digitalpolitik, Desinformation, Zensur und Moderation sowie Überwachungstechnologien. Darüber hinaus beschäftigt er sich mit der Polizei, Grund- und Bürgerrechten sowie Protesten und sozialen Bewegungen. Für eine Recherchereihe zur Polizei auf Twitter erhielt er 2018 den Preis des Bayerischen Journalistenverbandes, für eine TikTok-Recherche 2020 den Journalismuspreis Informatik. Bei seit März 2016 als Redakteur dabei.
- Was das Mykonos-Attentat mit dem abgeschotteten Netz Irans zu tun hat

Ich arbeite seit 2017 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am DLR. Im April 2023 hat es mich nun zur DLR MORABA in Oberpaffenhofen verschlagen. Dort arbeite ich als Payload- und Software Engineer am Ground Service Equiment (GSE) und dem Service Module (SM). Dem Chaosumfeld bin ich über das Eventphone-Team (POC) verbunden. Mehr über mich gibt es hier:
- Bits and Bytes in Microgravity: Insights into the hardware and software of sounding rockets

Mathias Jud is co-founder and project manager of qaul. He is a contemporary artist working on power relations in our digital communication society.
- Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects
- qaul - Resilient Communication during Blackouts & Internet Shutdowns
- B&B Opening
I'm cryptographic researcher and PhD student at ETH Zurich. I love breaking stuff! But since I can't just sit and watch the world burn, I try to build more secure systems!
- If It Ain't Broken, Do Fix It: Building Modern Cryptography
I grew up in Liverpool, England and taught myself Linux after leaving college. I spent the pandemic years at the Astral Ship, a Hackbase in North Wales where I learned Nix and the art of reproducibility. I worked for a year at Platonic Systems.
- The Nix Phone and the end of Android

I'm Mattsi, a software engineer / consultant / craftsman / tell-computers-what-to-do-guy. I have a personal tech blog over at
I'm a polygot and use a wide variety of tech in my day work. In my personal projects I've mostly been sticking to Rust for the past couple years. I founded a Rust study group and have done some conference/meetup talks and workshops about the language too, including running a day-long Rust workshop at the UK's first Rust conference.
Other interests:
- ethics in tech
- digitalrights
- chess (I'm writing my own chess engine!
- AI, more search & logic AI than machine learning
- Simulations and gamedev
- Tech meetups, conferences, hack camps
- Animation, anime
- videogames, particularly RPGs
- Writin' me a RUST

Matt Smith put his degree in Computer Science to good use as a software developer, before quickly realising he didn't want to do that forever. After exploiting digital systems for fun and profit, the crossover into the family business of locksmithing came naturally and he became the 7th generation to assume this profession. Initially the skills were put to dubious use but then a legitimate career emerged after devoting many years picking what were previously considered unpickable locks, and making tools to do so.
Now, he does physical security consultancy, training and designs/sells high security lockpicks for professionals. He also designs high security locks, which he thinks are definitely unpickable!
- Physical Vulnerability Research
Matt Virus (real name) is an IoT engineer @ Cisco (15+ years), an above-average father of 2, a farmer, a fan of loud angry rock music, and a hardware junkie with tons of experience with build/hack projects. Whatever “it” is — it can be disassembled and examined…it can be made more secure, more functional and more useful. No fear of burned fingers, desks set on fire, or escape of the magic smoke here. Former DoD forensic/malware analyst, believer of local control and auditability of software/firmware. Lover of all things containerized and API-enabled, blackbelt in google-fu, passionate about facilitation, enablement, and helping people reach beyond their technical comfort zone. Founder of
- Our Time in a Product Review Cabal: And the malware and backdoors that came with it.

Queerer Rap und Politik 💅🏳️🌈
- Hitzefrei (Soloprojekt von Viktor von Systemabsturz)

- Whiskyleaks
md beschäftigt sich gerne mit Verwaltungsdigitalisierung, OpenData und anderen wenig erfolgreichen Projekten der Regierung.
- Selbsthilfegruppe für verwaltungsnahe Menschen mit IT-Background ("Faxgeräteclub")
Too many interests to be an expert in anything but I like to play with machines :)
- Hack My handicap

Michael Kreil arbeitet als Data Scientist und Datenjournalist für zahlreiche deutsche Medien. Seit 2022 ist er im Team von SWRdata.
- Freie interaktive Karten mit VersaTiles

Former technical security practitioner moved to security management to fiddle with risks, policies, controls and standards.
ISO27001 Lead Auditor, CTF hobbyist, hackerspace founder, dad, brother, friend.
Loves visiting hackerspaces, chaos angels, lockpicking and network protocols.
- Introduction to ATT&CK framework for risk managers and threat analysts
Mein Name ist Mike Vogt Ich habe Physik an der Universität Göttingen studiert und ich arbeite seit über 10 Jahren bei Fraunhofer IEE. Dort forsche ich an der Energiewende und insbesondere an Thema, wie Netzbetriebsführung und deren Optimierung und habe in zahlreichen Forschungsprojekten mich mit Energieinformatik rund um die Energiewende beschäftigt.
- Energy transition into the future, but what about ICT?

Mitch Altman is an international hacker, inventor, entrepreneur, author, mentor, best known for starting Noisebridge hackerspace and inventing TV-B-Gone, which turns off TVs in public places.
Wikipedia page:
TEDxBrussels talk: "The Hackerspace Movement":
- Learn to Solder workshop (Day 2)
- Arduino For Total Newbies workshop
- FireSide Hackerspaces
- Learn to Solder / Digital Music Synthesis workshop with ArduTouch music synthesizer kit
- LED Strips Everywhere for Everyone! workshop
- Learn to Solder workshop (Day 4)
- Synthesizer Meetup

I think, learn and create
- Green Hydrogen Workshop
- Non-English based Programming
Philosophin, (unfähige) Germanistin, Infosec und Cybersec in training, Linux-Liebhaberin, Framework-Enthusiastin, Steam-Deck-Fangirl
Queeraktivistin, Trans*begleiterin, FiSi, HiWi und so viel mehr.
- Pick and Pain. Oder: Wie oft man innerhalb eines Projektes scheitern kann.

Manche kennen Monic als Mitbegründerin von, andere als Veranstalterin von Community Events wie Raumschiff Erde, Open Tech Summit, Wireless Community Weekend oder Speakerin auf der re:publica. Nachdem sie sich jahreling in Bildungsprojekten und für das Digitale Ehrenamt engagiert hat, wird es nun Zeit für mehr Kunst und Schönheit!
- Datenschutz ist Kunst
- Datenschutz ist Kunst
Muhammad Radwan is The Project Lead of The Glass Room by Tactical Tech. He has previously founded a green sustainability tech hub in Cairo Egypt and managed Berlin's most famous Egyptian street food truck. He has been a member of the Global Innovation Gathering for many years and joined the team at re:publica in Berlin from 2016 and 2017. He is an industrial engineer by training (Texas A&M Uni).
- Dont Look Up!!! Bridging Climate Justice and Digital Rights

A mesh routing algorithm enthusiast from Berlin.
- Mesh The Planet
- Meshenger - True P2P Phone Calls
Ex programmer ex artist current activist.
- Cyber baubles workshop: soldering earrings with LEDs
Nikhil began his career as a graphic designer. He has been instrumental in assisting in their advocacy for digital rights in India and played a key role in promoting technological understanding within the Indian judicial system. He always had the knack for hacking stuff, be it software or hardware. For him, a computer is a simple machine that can be manipulated to perform tasks beyond its intended capabilities AKA hacking the machine!
- Curious case of Indian metros
I'm an embedded software and tooling specialist with a lot of experience in AVR and ARM Cortex-M devices and their related libraries. I love all kinds of engineering and technology, especially aviation, railways and robotics.
- Debugging Microcontrollers
Bahnnerd bei der Dampfbahn Fränkische Schweiz.
- Chaos meets Museumsbahn

Noisio ist Künstler, Musiker, Elektroniker und Programmierer. Mit Spaß an Fehlern und bisher unbekannten Features entdeckt er neue Klänge, entwirft Synthesizer-Lötkits und nimmt sie mit auf Workshop- und Konzerttour.
- Big sounds with micro processors - soldering and programming ATtiny synths.

I'm Nono from La Quadrature Du Net
- Sports under surveillance
I work as security engineer. During my free time I hack in CTF competitions with organizers.
- How to succeed at capturing the flag
nsr is interested in all sorts of low-level firmware, tinkering, and capture the flag competitions. He developed and maintains avatar2, a framework for analyzing embedded systems firmware. Among others, he used the framework within the FirmWire project for emulating Samsung’s Shannon and MediaTek’s MTK baseband firmware, yielding to the discovery of several critical vulnerabilities.
In his day job, nsr is a assistant professor at the University of Birmingham and his research interests cover the (in-)security of embedded systems, as well as binary and microarchitectural exploitation.
- 📶 Analyzing Cellular Basebands with FirmWire 🔎
- Ohm-I
Oliver is interested in nerd stuff since he started selling transistors and diodes after school in an electronics shop. He learned about hacking from Prof. Brunnstein and knows about the importance of the Bürgerhaus Eidelstedt from personal visits many years ago. Today Oliver is helping his clients to make sense of new and not-so-new technologies and still tries to learn every single day about how to make this world a better place with tech.
- Cosmic Connectivity: Starlink, Satellite Swarms, and the Hackers' Final Frontier
- Hackerspace server co-location
- Pigeon
- Using LoRa without Infrastructure for Decentralized Communication

padeluun is one of the founding fathers of Digitalcourage. He experimented with public networked communication as early as the late 1980s. Together with Rena Tangens, he developed concepts on how communication can succeed - and failed grandly in front of the concentrated financial power of the "internet corporations", who were able to destroy communication with a lot of money, but clueless as they were (and still are today) could not build anything useful. He is a member of the jury of the BigBrotherAwards, was a named expert of the "Enquête Commission Internet and digital Society of the 17th German Bundestag" for three years and today throws himself into the Fediverse in a supportive way...
- Vereinsgründung und Pflege
- Gespräch: Eine digitale Währung mit den Eigenschaften von Bargeld – ist das möglich?
- Fediverse - baut kleine geile Firmen auf!
- Munteres Waffelbacken

We are a community organism, known as the XLterrestrials. Dr. Podrescu is more or less a pragmatic fictional narrative and a medium/channel through which to perform "psychomedia analysis" and guide positive edutainment sessions known as CiTiZEN KiNO.
- CiTiZEN KiNO #99.9: Cyborgism, To The Bitter Ends ( Of Krapitalia ? )
- Pastor Leumund

Worked in academia for a while, mostly on interference mitigation in open communication systems. Now it's time for some more hands-on action.
Currently contributing to:
Part of
- Will the Fediverse Fragment?
Open Source Hardware, Software, Drones, Image processing.
- SearchWing - Open source drones for Search & Rescue

Hacker from Aachen doing things with infosec and automation
- Bootloader Crimes - Building disposable Windows VMs
- SearchWing - Open source drones for Search & Rescue
Sysadmin bei Digitalcourage - Infrastrukturbetrieb für interne und externe Dienste (zensurfreie DNS-Server, Cryptpad, Nuudel (Framadate), Mailserver, Nextcloud,...)
- Hackfahrschule
Queer, she/they. Some tech but mostly labor organizing and making music, looking at blinky lights. Not finishing projects.
- Robot Girlfriend DJ Set
Ich studiere Medieninformatik an der Berliner Hochschule für Technik und arbeite gerade an meiner Masterarbeit zum Thema Post-Quanten Signaturen in Sensornetzwerken. Neben meinem Studium arbeite ich bei einem größeren Berliner Unternehmen für Musiksoftware und Hardware-Controller im Bereich Embedded Linux.
- Hashing Pico Berries

I'm a vintage computing enthusiast interested in games, art, electronic music and embedded systems.
- Celeste – Bringing an Indie Classic to Picosystem

More fanboy than actual hacker, but at least I can lighten up the mood. :)
- Lightning Talks Session 3
- Lightning Talks Session 1
- Lightning Talks Session 2

Mainly known as Pyro, also known as dfwinfostudent, and a few other things. Currently residing outside of Frankfurt and working in a data loss prevention group. A frequenter of Dallas Hackers Association from nearly the beginning, and long time volunteer with BSidesDFW
- A brief history of the '90's "Crypto Wars"
Hacker with too many projects.
- How to grow a flow3r

Rainer Rehak promoviert aktuell am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft – das Deutsche Internet-Institut – zu systemischer IT-Sicherheit und gesellschaftlichem Datenschutz. Er studierte Informatik und Philosophie in Berlin und Hong Kong und beschäftigt sich seit über 15 Jahren mit den Implikationen der Computerisierung der Gesellschaft. Seine Forschungsfelder sind Datenschutz, IT-Sicherheit, staatliches Hacking, Informatik und Ethik, Technikfiktionen, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, konviviale und demokratische Digitaltechnik, sowie die Implikationen und Grenzen von Automatisierung durch KI-Systeme. Er ist Sachverständiger für Parlamente (z. B. dt. Bundestag) und Gerichte (z. B. Bundesverfassungsgericht) und publiziert auch regelmäßig in nicht-wissenschaftlichen Medien.
Er ist aktiv im Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF) und initiierte gemeinsam mit anderen Digitalpolitik- sowie Umweltorganisationen die „Bits & Bäume“-Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit.
- Webseite:
- (Digital) tech fictions as replacement for social and political change?
- Staatstrojaner für bereits begangene Straftaten
- Ein nerdiger Blick auf die zivile Seenotrettung der Mare*Go
Software Developer, interested in theory and its practical implementation in real programming languages. Same goes for music.
- Read and Manipulate Network Traffic on Android with mitmproxy

- Digitalcourage und die Post DHL Group - eine Chronik

Hi, I'm Richard. I currently have a position at CERN where I work for the IT department's storage group and specialize in magnetic tape, with two years of experience.
We have a handful of tape libraries on site, where we store about 600PB worth of physics data at the time of writing.
Live statistics at:
- Peeking over the tape moat
Making giant soft joyful robots.
- Mini World'O'Techno workshop
- Mastering the Maze: Unleashing Reinforcement Learning in Penetration Testing for Lateral Network Movement

Hi! Ich bin wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin beim Bund für Umwelt & Naturschutz für Digitalisierung und Umweltpolitik.
- (Digital) tech fictions as replacement for social and political change?
Has been exploring the environmental impacts of ICT for the past couple of years. Is eager to learn more and connect with like-minded folks.
- Fooled by the Website Carbon Calculator – Green Coding & Measuring the Environmental Impacts of IT
- B&B Opening

Rosa Luxus will die mysogyne Steifheit der europäischen Clubszene von innen heraus mit Tschunk und Tanz aufbohren. Sie ist Resident DJane in der Bielefelder Beatschmiede, wo sie die unverkennbare und über die Stadt- und Kreisgrenze hinaus legendäre Underground-Kultur schon früh prägte und stetig weiterentwickelt.
- tschunkelmusik

Rose Regina started running security training well before Snowden and since then has done many things at a bunch places, like the Software Freedom Law Center, Mozilla, Tactical Tech, and New Design Congress.
- Social Engineering Is not how to teach security to your colleagues
- DJ RubbelDeCatc
- Hashing Pico Berries
Bringing Play! into existence.
- Less Work more Play! Let's Xorganize!
Ryan Hermens is currently a staff security engineer working for TriNet. He specializes in cloud and corporate security. He first discovered his passion for hacking at the age of twelve when his parents put a password on the family computer. After cutting his teeth doing cybersecurity work for a stock brokerage, he found his true passion is leading cybersecurity efforts at startup companies to protect user data.
- For Fox’s Sake: Bypassing Enterprise Policy in Firefox
Ich betreibe Community Organising und Campaigning bei Digitalcourage.
- Mitmachen & Vernetzen lokaler Initiativen
- Auf in eine lebenswerte (digitale) Welt!

Sarah Ciston builds critical–creative tools to bring Intersectional approaches to machine learning. Recently named “AI Newcomer” by the German Informatics Society, they are an AI Anarchies Fellow with the Akademie der Künste, a Mellon Fellow in Media Arts and Practice at the University of Southern California, and an Associated Researcher at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, plus author of “A Critical Field Guide to Working with Machine Learning Datasets” from the Knowing Machines research project. Sarah’s projects include an interactive NLP database to "rewrite" the inner critic and a bot that tries to explain feminism to online misogynists. They lead Creative Code Collective, a student community for co-learning programming using approachable, interdisciplinary strategies.
- Unsupervised Pleasures: Intersectional Language Models for Queer Futures
- Chaos Science Slam
Wohne in einer Kleinstadt und lebe in einem Dorf. Verdiene mein Geld mit Software und verballere es für Werkzeug, Schrauben und Holz.
- Landstraßen-, Wirtschafs- und Feldwegnutzung für Stadtmenschen kurz erklärt
scammo ein hacker aus Flensburg
Am Tag Webentwickler und nach dem Feierabend auch, dann nur meistens für andere Projekte
- Chaotischer Catalysator Stipendien - Was ist das? Wie bewerbe ich mich?

- How to grow a flow3r
- FireSide Hackerspaces

scy is a freelance software engineer, amateur hardware tinkerer, activist, and part of the Chaos family since around 2005.
- Personal website
- DearMEP: Free Software infrastructure for Online Campaigning in the EU
- Emulating the Badge under Renode (Eventually)

GNU Taler Developer traveling from Argentina to the CCC.
Building software since early 2k during my work file I have been in education, financial and gaming industry.
- Online selling without internet connection

Sergei Volokitin is a security analyst at Riscure in the Netherlands where his work is mostly focused on security evaluation of embedded systems and security testing of mobile devices. He has a number of publications on Java Card platform attacks and conference presentations on hardware security.
- What de.fac2? Attacking an opensource U2F device in 30 minutes or less

Simon Dübell is one of those people who entirely flourish and grow through their music.
So consideration and sympathy entwine like a tender plant as leitmotiv of his debut
album Undoing. An electronic dance album on which the samples and vocals are so
wisely and pointedly placed that moods here need not only be conveyed via vibe and
song title. On Undoing there are not only intersections with the big names of the genre
but also with the more far-reaching branches of electronic music.
- Simon Dübell - Album "Undoing" Live Performance w/ Ableton & Eurorack

Alexis Fernández (a.k.a. six2dez) is a pentester and bug hunter with extensive experience in Linux systems administration and programming. Passionate about assets reconnaissance and discovery techniques, author of open source tool reconFTW and contributor of multiple projects related to assets discovery.
- Deep Dive: External Attack Surface Mapping - Digging Deeper (Part 2 of 2)
- reconFTW: Discover and Optimize Your Reconnaissance and Exploitation Techniques
- Deep Dive: External Attack Surface Mapping - First Steps (Part 1 of 2)
skorpy is a multifaceted Internet plumber and advocate for scalable network engineering.
With a burning passion for simplicity, IPv6, and performance, skorpy operates autonomous systems for science, communities and sometimes money.
Beyond the digital realm, skorpy is a dedicated firefighter and Techno lover.
- Matrix:
- Mastodon:
- OpenWrt / Freifunk / Gluon Meetup

- Chaos Communication Camp 2023 Closing
- Chaos Communication Camp 2023 Opening

At Prototype Fund, a project by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, Sophia examines how public technology funding can be made more accessible and orientated towards the common good. She studied politics, economics, and philosophy and worked previously as research associate at Universität Hamburg and as advisor for a data protection authority.
- Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund Germany & Switzerland
- VOC – Frag die Teams
- Stable/Unstable
stb macht Dinge mit Computern und Zügen. Auf dem Camp gehört er zur Feldbahn-Truppe, die die Züge über das Gelände fahren lässt. Zuhause in Hamburg arbeitet er im Lokschuppen Aumühle mit der Feldbahn und dem Lehrstellwerk.
stb does things with computers and trains. At the Camp, he's part of the crew that runs the Field Train around the camp grounds. At home in Hamburg, he works at Lokschuppen Aumühle on the field train and the Training Signal Tower.
- Gemeinsam Gesichter-Suchmaschinen stoppen
- Chaos meets Museumsbahn
Stef is a digital artist, writer and producer with a diverse background in film, vfx, animation and games. She has worked in VR for nearly a decade on notable projects such as Pixel Ripped 1989, Windlands and Windlands 2. In early 2023 she joined indie game studio Semaeopus and is currently working with them on Off Grid, a moddable stealth hacking game.
- Making CCCamp in a video game mod!
- Making yourself into a videogame character in the CCCamp mod pt.2
- Making yourself into a videogame character in the CCCamp mod pt.1

Stefan works for RadicallyOpenSecurity as a pentester and code-auditor for 7 years, there he mainly focuses on cryptographic issues, C/C++, Python, embedded systems.
In his spare time he develops free software and sometimes even free hardware, he maintains the most comprehensive free database on the European Parliament, and he tries to break more crypto stuff. Two years ago he reverse-engineered, proved the existence and catastrophically broke an NSA crypto backdoor. Currently he is quietly working on reverse-engineering and breaking another NSA backdoor. Sometimes he does pro-bono audits, like for the attribute-based credential system IRMA by the
He is very much dedicated to digital policy, like copyright, privacy and all the other related topics, the culmination of his activities in Brussels is his database available at, which has helped the advocacy of such groups as EDRi, Corporate Europe Observatory, Transparency International.
Stefan initiated the founding of the hackerspace in Budapest, Hungary, he likes to think he also had some influence on the founding of the Bratislava and Prague hackerspaces, but that might be disputed. He is also one of the initial organisers of Camp++ a small hackercamp in Hungary, which was started after a alcohol-heated argument with one of the orga of the dutch OHM camp in 2013, and has been successfully organized 11 times so far.
Decades ago, when he was young and totally irresponsible, he worked for Siemens, doing reverse engineering, c++ development, security engineering, and innovation managment.
- Fantastic OPRFs and where to find them

Community organizer for DIY creative & makerspaces in the US for the past 10 years. View my project archive here:
- Modelling for Mutual Aid

I am hacker and software engineer from Seattle, WA, USA. I work on an play with cryptography and network security.
- Networking Hacking Workshop
I have following skills: sweating, walking on two legs upright (kind of), double-clicking
- Microscopy for camp

Tara is a technologist working on designing support and mobilizing resources to encourage, sustain and maintain the FOSS ecosystem.
They have helped manage and incubate core infrastructure FOSS projects providing access to and security on online, led advocacy campaigns against online censorship and spreading a culture of online safety, and worked on research mapping internet infrastructure, legislation, control and policy.
Previously, they have worked with the Center for Cultivation of Technology, Open Technology Fund, Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA), and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
- Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund Germany & Switzerland
- Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects
- DJ? Tasmo
- Words n Sound
tes is a security researcher & hacktivist from Argentina. She is part of a horizontal collective of hackers and other hacktivist movements in the region.
- Leveraging the use of dynamic instrumentation for pentesting mobile apps
We host the On Track Demoparty at the Camp!
- On Track Demoparty


- Berlin
- Cloud
- Security Architect
- Kubernetes Security Hacker
- Critical Infrastructure
- Building Clouds
- Freelancer
- Cofounder of Endocode and Resility
- Open Source since 1988
- Worked for several DE-Gov projects
- Linux since 0.95
- PHD in Statistiscal Physic and QM
- Energy Consumption of Data Centers - Problems and Solutions
- Public Money bei der Arbeit - die Deutsche Verwaltung und Open Source
Thomas Lohninger is Executive Director of the Austrian digital rights NGO and VP of EDRi.
- Digital Identity and Digital Euro - what is the EU up to now?
- DearMEP: Free Software infrastructure for Online Campaigning in the EU
Thomas Sermpinis (a.k.a. Cr0wTom) is an Automotive Penetration Testing Lead and independent security researcher with main topics of interest the automotive, industrial control, embedded device sectors and cryptography. During his research, he published several academic papers, 0days and tools with ultimate goal to make the world a safer place.
- Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry

Thorsten's a computer scientist by education, and a Free Software enthusiast by heart, a geek from early childhood - and someone who was lucky enough to turn a hobby into an occupation. After first working for Sun Microsystems on, he then went with a number of others founding The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project.
These days, his day job includes substantial amounts of project management and customer interactions, which does not prevent him from still messing with LibreOffice code. He is also serving as the current chair person of The Document Foundation's board of directors.
- How To Survive Being Sold to Oracle

DJ Shinsekai is a music project focusing on assembling a new space that can be experienced by listening to fast-changing electronic music. Her DJ Sets constitute an exploration of breakbeats, hardcore, jungle, gabba, and other sonic vortexes generating a thrilling intensity of sound, catapulting participants into an acoustic matrix of club-adjacent rhythms and juxtapositions to achieve sensory over stimulation.
- DJ Shinsekai

Tilman Herbrich ist Rechtsanwalt und Partner im Bereich Datenschutz- und Technologierecht bei Spirit Legal. Die Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit liegen im nationalen und internationalen Datenschutzrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und IT-Recht. Neben der Beratung von Unternehmen mit datenintensiven Technologien in den Bereichen Advertising, Kundenmanagement und Cloud-Services verantwortet er im Fachgebiet Privacy Litigation eine Vielzahl von Individual- und Verbandsklagen.
- Datenschutz vor Gericht durchsetzen

embedded stuff and manufacturing
- How to grow a flow3r

Professional Amateur.
- Logbuch:Netzpolitik
- Project Blinkenlights
Free Software enthusiast from Berlin (Germany), currently working as sysadmin at the FSFE.
- Handson
- B&B Opening

Seit 1.7. 2023 LfDI BaWü
- Datenschutz-Sprechstunde mit der Aufsichtsbehörde
- #xfilesgdpr: Datenschutz-Mythen aus 5 Jahren DS-GVO
Tom Jennissen ist Jurist und arbeitet für die Digitale Gesellschaft. Daneben ist er Im Vorstand des Grundrechtekomitees und in der Redaktion der Zeitschrift CILIP / Bürgerrechte & Polizei sowie als Rechtsanwalt im Republikanischen Anwältinnen- und anwälteverein aktiv.
- Digital Rights in Europa
- about:funding
- HiP Party
- „Chatkontrolle Stoppen!“ Aktionsworkshop
- Chat-Control: now is the time to take action!
Ich bin Software-Entwickler und in der Freizeit Pfadfinder und Schmied
- Von Softwareentwicklung hin zu Entscheidungsfindung - ein Werkzeug für beliebig komplexe Problem
- Fiiiiieeeep! Mic-Training für Speaker*innen: Wie Mensch mit einem Mikrofon auf der Bühne umgeht.
Interested in socio-technical security and human factors. Astonished at how easy it is to circumvent technical security measures when end-users are forced to make security decisions and, thus, become part of an attack landscape. Organiser of the Social Engineering Poetry Slam a few CCCongresses back. Based in Hamburg.
- Identifying Social Engineering

Maurits Fennis is an anarchist, hacker and reverse engineer. In 2020 he founded Unbinare, an e-waste reverse engineering laboratory which aims to reduce the increase of e-waste by finding ways to repurpose discarded electronic devices. For the past 10 years, Maurits has been a proponent of open science and FOSS software and hardware. Prior to founding Unbinare, Maurits has been an artist, composer, architectural designer, security consultant and hardware security researcher.
- E-Waste Reverse Engineering Toolkit [RET]
"Der Mann, der sich Unicorn nennt, hat äußerlich nicht viel mit dem zarten Fabelwesen zu tun." (Hamburger Abendblatt, 29.12.2016, Titelseite)
Seine größte Schwäche: Hat vergessen Nein zu sagen, als er gefragt wurde, ob er das Infrastructure Review machen könnte.
- #CCCamp23 Review
Datenschutzmusik bei Systemabsturz, Pressearbeit beim CCC
- Erfahrungsaustausch: IT-Sicherheitstrainings für Aktivist*innen
- Hitzefrei (Soloprojekt von Viktor von Systemabsturz)
IT Forensik im Digital Security Lab von Reporter ohne Grenzen
- Zivile Forensik gegen staatliche Überwachung von Journalist*innen
Viraaj Akuthota is the founder and director of Technology Solutions for Human Rights. He is an international and domestic human rights lawyer, refugee lawyer, and social entrepreneur with a strong background in humanitarian work, technology, and the law.
His human rights experience has been established by working in remote communities of Australia, conflict settings in Myanmar, local free legal advice centers, and being responsible for the creation of legal arguments that are currently being litigated against the Australian government and large corporations at the highest courts within Australia.
The funded prototype fund project is, a project that applies human centered design principles to accessing the European Court of Human Rights case law.
- Access to Justice through Human Centered Design Tech
- Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects

Wouter Bokslag is an embedded and automotive security researcher known for the reverse-engineering and cryptanalysis of several proprietary in-vehicle immobilizer authentication ciphers used by major automotive manufacturers. He holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and designed and assisted teaching hands-on offensive security classes for graduate students at the Dutch Kerckhoffs Institute for several years.
- All cops are broadcasting: Obtaining the secret TETRA primitives after decades in the shadows

After attending school focused on humanities, studied electrical-engineering and computer science. Focuses on operating systems, firmware, automation-engineering, system-engineering, zsh, embedded systems, PCB design and user-workflows among others.
Spent 13yrs on the board of hackerspace realraum. Writes open-source and buils open-hardware when there is free time. Holds workshops when there is a lot of time. Uses Linux everywhere. Tinkers and builds LED installations for fun. CTO of a life-science company that prints DNA.
- Wie synthetisiert man DNA

yetzt arbeitet als Datenjournalist*in im Interaktiv-Team der Funke Mediengruppe.
- Freie interaktive Karten mit VersaTiles
- Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects