
Hetti is an IT Security Expert based in Vienna and part of the finest Viennese Hackspace Metalab.

During day he is breaking IT infrastructure for a living and at night he works on fun hacking projects and deals with state-of-the-art legacy infrastructure.

He enjoys traveling to community based IT (Security) Conferences and Camps.
You can also find him at the Chaos Computer Club Vienna (C3W) where he is mainly involved with Chaos Macht Schule (CmS).
On some weekends he is hunting flags with the successful academic CTF Team We_0wn_Y0u.


unexpected coffee: a dive into industrial coffee machines
Hetti, Clemens Hopfer

Last year, an industrial coffee vending machine with broken power electronics arrived at Metalab. This is a talk about how we repaired the machine, how these machines usually work, a dive into legacy software and electronics setups, and why those coffee vending machines taste like they do.

Bits & Bäume
Bits & Bäume