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Panel: How to fund Open-Source Projects
08-15, 21:00–22:00 (Europe/Berlin), Bits & Bäume
Language: English

This panel discusses and give insights into the funding of open-source projects. Representatives of funders and experienced fundees present their funding concepts, opportunities and motivations. The panel will reflect lessons learned and answer questions from the audience.


  • Marie Kreil, Prototype Fund
  • Tara Tarakiyee, Sovereign Tech Fund
  • Zenna @zelf, Next Generation Internet (NGI)
  • Viraaj Akuthota, Tech Solutions for Human Rights
  • holger krekel, Delta Chat co-ordinator
  • Moderation: Mathias Jud

Content Notes

FOSS, Open-Source Funding, Public Code -> Public Money

Mathias Jud is co-founder and project manager of qaul. He is a contemporary artist working on power relations in our digital communication society.

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Viraaj Akuthota is the founder and director of Technology Solutions for Human Rights. He is an international and domestic human rights lawyer, refugee lawyer, and social entrepreneur with a strong background in humanitarian work, technology, and the law.

His human rights experience has been established by working in remote communities of Australia, conflict settings in Myanmar, local free legal advice centers, and being responsible for the creation of legal arguments that are currently being litigated against the Australian government and large corporations at the highest courts within Australia.

The funded prototype fund project is, a project that applies human centered design principles to accessing the European Court of Human Rights case law.

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Marie is an open source and privacy advocate, campaigner, event organizer and information security trainer. She studied cultural journalism and researched new models for online journalism platforms. Since then, she has worked as a freelance journalist, campaigner, communications officer, infosec trainer and event organizer for various projects in journalism, privacy and open source.
She works at Open Knowledge Foundation Germany as a co-director of the FOSS funding programm Prototype Fund, serves as a board member of Digitale Gesellschaft and takes care of sticker operations with c3stoc.

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Tara is a technologist working on designing support and mobilizing resources to encourage, sustain and maintain the FOSS ecosystem.

They have helped manage and incubate core infrastructure FOSS projects providing access to and security on online, led advocacy campaigns against online censorship and spreading a culture of online safety, and worked on research mapping internet infrastructure, legislation, control and policy.

Previously, they have worked with the Center for Cultivation of Technology, Open Technology Fund, Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA), and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

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co-ordinating developments for Delta Chat, has given talks at CCC events -- living in Freiburg black forest.

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