LED Strips Everywhere for Everyone!
12-28, 14:00–16:00 (Europe/Berlin), Scubar

Learn how to program LED strips.

It's super easy and fun to make your life trippy.

For total beginners.

(no materials required)


<img src="http://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/hha/hha/images/35C3_LEDstrip_tunnel.jpg" alt="35C3 LED strip tunnel" width="350" hspace="10" style="float:right;width:350px;> </p> <a href="https://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/projects.php#ardutouch" target="_blank">Summary

Learn how to light up LED strips with a cheap Arduino, and make your life trippy.
For total beginners -- no knowledge needed at all. No materials needed.

Full Description

LED strips have become really inexpensive. Lots of people have created inexpensive methods of controlling their color and brightness. This workshop shows one way to control LED strips, to make them do what you want. We will use a very cheap Arduino clone. I'll show you everything you need to know to use existing programs -- as-is, or to hack on -- to control the colors in your world with LED strips.

Workshop Itinerary

  • Intro to Red-Green-Blue (RGB) LEDs
  • Brief intro to Arduino
  • How to use an Arduino to control an LED strip
  • Some demos of programs you can download
  • I'll have plenty of LED strips and Arduino clones for everyone to experiment with at this workshop