Learn to Solder with TV-B-Gone kit
12-30, 14:00–16:30 (Europe/Berlin), Scubar

Learn to solder. Anyone can learn!

It's useful. It's fun!

We will learn by soldering together

      a TV-B-Gone remote control

so you can turn off TVs in public places everywhere!

For total beginners.

(no materials required -- but kits are available for 20€

Short Description

<img src="http://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/images/projects/chm2.jpg" alt="Soldering at Noisebridge" width="500" hspace="10" style="float:right;width:350px;> <a href="http://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/products/buy.php?productId=tvbgkit" target="_blank">Summary

  • Learn to solder by making a TV-B-Gone remote control from a kit.
  • Learn a brief overview of electronics (for total beginners!) so you know how remote controls work.

If you choose to do the optional hands-on portion of this workshop, I guarantee your TV-B-Gone remote control will work after you solder it (during the workshop, or later, at home) -- and you will be able to turn off TVs in public places everywhere you go!

TV-B-Gone project

The TV-B-Gone remote control is an entirely open hardware project. It is a universal remote control that turns off TVs in public places at up to 50 meters away.

It comes pre-programmed with hundreds of OFF codes for virtually any TV you will find in public places.

Workshop Itinerary

  • Basics of how TV remote controls work -- for total beginners!
  • Learn how to solder (with the TV-B-Gone kit as an example)

Taught by Mitch Altman, who has taught tens of thousands of people to solder.

To do the hands-on portion of this workshop you will need:

  • TV-B-Gone kit -- available at the workshop for 20 €


TV-B-Gone kit on the Adafruit website:

TV-B-Gone kit downloads page:

One of the hundreds of videos showing TV-B-Gone turning off TVs in public places: