Daniel Wessolek
Daniel is passionate about the intersection of open hardware and open workshops. For the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, he works as a project manager on a prototype fund hardware. He is also part of the EU-funded project OPENNEXT, bringing together makerspaces and SMEs to co-develop open hardware. As an interaction designer with a PhD, he is also active for other NGOs and is involved in assistive technologies for people who are deaf, for example.
We want to revive the Open Hardware Meetup and make it a regular event again starting with this year's Congress. In the future we want to present great Open Hardware projects and give a space for exchange - alternating in the world of bits and atoms. Join us, present what you're working on and let's get to know each other!
Im Frühjahr 2022 startet die Open Knowledge Foundation den ersten Prototype Fund für Hardware. Wir geben erste Einblicke in das Programm und rufen dazu auf, sich an der Entwicklung zivilgesellschaftlich orientierter Hardware zu beteiligen.