r3s at the Year-End Event 2021: Call for Participation/People/Ideas
As in 2020, no chaos communicatin congress in meatspace in 2021.
it rC3-NOWHERE21 instead from 27th to 30th december 2021.
The Remote Rhine-Ruhr Stage as a stage for all offers physical space at the virtual congress for people, projects, groups and communities.
This year there will be a Remoteevent again, as we know it from last year.
To fill the days between Christmas and New Year with excitement: We are looking for your ideas!
Let's do crazy things, with less wood and B1, but with more cyberspace.
You can think of classic lectures, for which we will provide you with the appropriate equipment, discussion rounds or panels, or completely new formats, e.g. in the form of workshops, in which participants can even take part at home. Or you can tinker and solder in the stream for the armchair hackers.
What we offer
- Stage: We plan to offer a real stage:
- without audience
- with professional equipment
- Streaming against c3media, chaoswest-tv, twitch, youtube.
- release via c3media/media.ccc.de-youtube-channel.
- streaming without showing your face is possible!
- the venue is taking place at VHS in Monheim/Rhine.
- covid rules apply: you have to be vaccinted or show a proof of previous infection.
(example: https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-767190-freie_software_was_ist_das_und_was_hat_der_anwender_davon)
- Remote lectures: If you can't give your talk in our studio, we're happy to help you stream live via OBSninja or pre-production.
- a stream without showing your face is possible!
(example: https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-961653-holt_euch_personalausweise_ohne_fingerabdruecke_solange_es_geht)
- a stream without showing your face is possible!
- Hybrid:
- last year, various combinations of live on stage with remote speakers were successfully carried out
(example: https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-103955-cryptoleaks )
- last year, various combinations of live on stage with remote speakers were successfully carried out
- Q&A live
- No matter if you give your contribution on stage, remotely or pre-recorded: A live Q&A with the audience is a basic requirement for us.
Thematic focus
Your chances of acceptance increase if your submission is recognisably evidence-based and not from the realm of "struggling startups" or AI+blockchain buzzword bingo.
We also welcome unusual presentation formats! If you have any exciting ideas, just get in touch!
https://r3s.nrw or email to studio@r3s.nrw
[CfP closed 2021-11-24 23h43 Europe/Berlin]