Telling the Story of our Future using Augmented Reality
2021-12-28 , Haecksen Nice Mary
Language: English

Let's use Augmented Reality to tell our version of "Just another day in paradise" as an immersive experience. In this workshop, we will run through the process of creating a virtual fireplace that can be viewed on a phone or tablet and add our story of the future in text and audio.

Augmented Reality is fascinating and it's quite easy to be creative and make cool and immersive experiences. In this workshop, I'll help you get started on your first AR project with little effort.

We will create a virtual fireplace at which you can tell your story about what you want the future to be like.

- Overview of the process
- Create a simple fireplace in Blender
- Export/create files .glb/.usdz
- Create and deploy html
- Enjoy your first AR experience
- add additional elements (images, audio,text)
- create QR code to help people find your future

No prior experience needed.

- (latest) Blender installed (If you want, you can play around with Blender a bit to understand how to move around and create objects etc)
- account on created (or other means of hosting)
- recent Android or iOS device to view in AR



nerdess | technology tinkerer | global citizen | serendipity | studio 222