IT Security for Activists
12-28, 18:00–19:00 (Europe/Berlin), HIP - Track 2 - Room 2
Language: English

The world is getting more digital and activism is as well.
But the world of It security can seem overwhelming and its easy to feel lost and helpless. In this talk I want to present the IT security guidelines that I am developing right now. They are meant to help for activists to find fitting security measures for a given activism project, without being 300 pages long or overly complex. Ideally they empower non technical individuals to protect their data better and make informed decisicions about their personal it security.

I already held the talk in German at this years Bits und Bäume conference in Berlin. Parts of it are already contained in my It Security Training Video for Fridays for Future:

Some music with Systemabsturz, some privacy advocacy with CCC, some IT security for activists and some smartphone forensics.

Future updates on IT security for activism things will be posted here:

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