///Hacking in Parallel – Berlin///

The Hacking in Parallel (///HiP-Berlin///) conference will take place from December 27-30 2022 at ETI Schauspielschule (directly above c-base) in Berlin.

The ///HiP-Berlin/// conference theme, "Hacking in Parallel", anticipates a gathering of creatures to learn, teach, share, play, hang out, and enjoy. We look forward to many parallel activities within ///HiP-Berlin///, as well as at the decentral venues by all creatures around Germany, Europe, and the world.

Please note the self-imposed obligation to wear a FFP2 mask in the rooms of the ETI Schauspielschule Berlin. We also assume that you can credibly assure us that you have been vaccinated or have recovered. No personal data will be stored.

The Call for Participation is now closed. Thank you for the 93 proposals we have received! Topics received include:
Hacking, Hardware & Manufacturing
Digital rights, Technology and society
Science, Mathematics & Engineering
Art & Beauty

We still have space for your Village/Assembly over any idea or theme, including art installations. Please let us know if you would like space via email <villages AT hip-berlin DOT de>, and let us know what your idea/theme is and what you need to make it happen.

If you would like to volunteer for ///HiP-Berlin/// we would love your help!

The last batch of tickets for ///HiP-Berlin/// go on sale 7-December, 12:00 CET.
Tickets for ///HiP-Berlin///

More info: ///HiP-Berlin/// website

This Call for Papers closed on 2022-12-04 23:42 (Europe/Berlin).