Mateo Robayo Rodríguez

I'm an indie game developer from Colombia, who loves creating games that make people laugh and evoke tenderness, with a touch of dark humor. I fell in love with Godot in 2018 after interviewing Juan Linietsky on Juegos Indies, a game development channel I hosted with some friends. Since then, I haven't stopped using the engine, and now I'm working on two projects:

Popochiu: a plugin to make point n' click games with a workflow similar to the one used in Adventure Game Studio and PowerQuest, and Vultures - Scavengers of Death: a classic survival-horror with turn-based roguelike mechanics inspired by the 90s Resident Evil series.

I want to share with the world the unique way in which Latin American games are created.


Make point n' click games the easy way with Popochiu
Mateo Robayo Rodríguez

How to quickly make a point n' click game using Popochiu 2.0.
