FireShonks - Try this at home

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Dumpsterfire-Firebrigade since 2020 - 27.-30.12.2023

Hello dear entity,

under the title FireShonks23 and the motto "Try This at Home", the r3s (Remote Rhein Ruhr Stage, are hosting remote talks and interactive online workshops that will take place live on the internet between 27th and 30th Dec. 2023.
So Fireshonks is a hybrid-event where viewers and participants can enjoy your content from home. Check out the CfP for 37c3 if you prefer to hold your talk at an on-site event.

Wether it's a short talk or more in-depth, we will find a way to make it happen. Following the talk, there will be a live Q&A session where viewers/listeners can ask you questions. The Q&A will be accompanied by heralds. Your talk will be streamed live on the internet on, YouTube and Twitch, afterwards we will publish your talk on and YouTube.

Workshops will be held remotely in video conference rooms and will not be recorded nor released afterwards. Exchange between participants is strongly encouraged, so we welcome your submission of an interactive workshop.

Are you afraid of talking in front of a (virtual) audience? Are you unsure if your topic fits into our series? Check out our wiki!

Do you need sample talks?

Do you have any other questions? Contact us:

We are looking forward to your submission!

This Call for Papers closed on 2023-12-06 23:42 (Europe/Berlin).