

Dumpsterfire-Frigebrigade since 2020 - 27.-30.12.2022

Hello dear entity,

You can stream and release your talk and interactive workshops with us as part of the year-end event.
We are not part of the official CCCV Orga.
We stream and release talks via c3voc/, the stream goes parallel via r3s to youtube, twitch and other sites.
For workshops there will be videoconference-rooms, which won't be recorded by us nor will be streamed elsewhere.
(Like you might know it from rC3-2020 and rC3-2021).

It will be curated for you by r3s (Rhein Ruhr Stage, and Haecksen When submitting your talk, please choose the track you are more interested in.

You can stream your talk live via webcam from home, or you can make a pre-recording together with us. We will take care of the technology. Alternatively, you can submit a pre-cut video of your talk. There will also be a stage in Wülfrath, if you prefer to perform in person.

After your presentation there will be a live Q&A with Heralding and Signalangels, who will collect the questions in the chat.
By arrangement, it is also potentially possible to come on stage on site (at r3s in Wülfrath) in the hall studio. There is a corona concept with test and mask obligation.

We do OSINT, you too?
We have autonomous buses, what do you drive?
We take day trips to the darknet, want to join us?
We are IT professionals. Are you?

You still have questions? Mail to

You know the rules, so do we.
We don't accept lectures from misogynist, racist, homophobic, queer-hostile assholes!

This Call for Papers closed on 2022-12-17 23:42 (Europe/Berlin).