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Curious case of Indian metros
08-19, 14:00–14:45 (Europe/Berlin), N:O:R:T:x
Language: English

Major states/cities in India have metro railway system for easy commute. The technology, however, has been exploited for a long period of time. I'll go through what's wrong with current system and how to make profit (free travel, I mean) out of it.

The talk is majorly about NFC (majorly, MiFare DESFire EV1 cards & classic cards). Keep in mind that this is not a NFC 101. I barely understand NFC due to lack of documentation, I just know enough to make profit out of it. I'll go through the ideas that floated in my mind during this hacking journey and also all the issues that I fell into.

Nikhil began his career as a graphic designer. He has been instrumental in assisting in their advocacy for digital rights in India and played a key role in promoting technological understanding within the Indian judicial system. He always had the knack for hacking stuff, be it software or hardware. For him, a computer is a simple machine that can be manipulated to perform tasks beyond its intended capabilities AKA hacking the machine!