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DJ Shinsekai
, N:O:R:T:x
Language: Deutsch

DJ Shinsekai is a music project focusing on assembling a space that can be experienced by listening to fast-changing electronic music. Her DJ Sets constitute an exploration of breakcore, hardcore, jungle, gabba, and other sonic vortexes generating a thrilling intensity of sound, catapulting participants into an acoustic matrix of club-adjacent rhythms and juxtapositions to achieve sensory overstimulation.

DJ Shinsekai is a music project focusing on assembling a new space that can be experienced by listening to fast-changing electronic music. Her DJ Sets constitute an exploration of breakbeats, hardcore, jungle, gabba, and other sonic vortexes generating a thrilling intensity of sound, catapulting participants into an acoustic matrix of club-adjacent rhythms and juxtapositions to achieve sensory over stimulation.