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Meet the Funders: Sovereign Tech Fund, NLNet, Prototype Fund Germany & Switzerland
08-16, 15:00–16:00 (Europe/Berlin), Bits&Bäume Workshops
Language: English

Are you looking for funding for your project? Unsure if your new idea would be likely to get support? Interested in applying for a grant, in getting to know who ensures funds run smoothly or simply curious? Come say hi! We're here to answer all your questions about our funds.

At this meetup you will have the opportunity to meet team members from the following funds:

  • The Prototype Fund supports software developers, designers and other creatives in transforming their ideas from a concept into a software prototype. Whether data security, mobility, education or democracy – together we explore and test new ways for technical and social innovations as open source software from society and for society. Team members from Prototype Fund Germany and from Prototype Fund Switzerland will be present to answer your questions.

  • NLnet foundation (after its historical contribution to the early internet in Europe) has been financially supporting organizations and people that contribute to an open information society since 1997. It funds those with ideas to fix the internet. The procedure is fast, competitive and open to anyone.

  • The Sovereign Tech Fund supports the development, improvement and maintenance of open digital infrastructure. Our goal is to sustainably strengthen the open source ecosystem. We focus on security, resilience, technological diversity, and the people behind the code.

Marie is an open source and privacy advocate, campaigner, event organizer and information security trainer. She studied cultural journalism and researched new models for online journalism platforms. Since then, she has worked as a freelance journalist, campaigner, communications officer, infosec trainer and event organizer for various projects in journalism, privacy and open source.
She works at Open Knowledge Foundation Germany as a co-director of the FOSS funding programm Prototype Fund, serves as a board member of Digitale Gesellschaft and takes care of sticker operations with c3stoc.

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Tara is a technologist working on designing support and mobilizing resources to encourage, sustain and maintain the FOSS ecosystem.

They have helped manage and incubate core infrastructure FOSS projects providing access to and security on online, led advocacy campaigns against online censorship and spreading a culture of online safety, and worked on research mapping internet infrastructure, legislation, control and policy.

Previously, they have worked with the Center for Cultivation of Technology, Open Technology Fund, Jordan Open Source Association (JOSA), and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

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At Prototype Fund, a project by the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, Sophia examines how public technology funding can be made more accessible and orientated towards the common good. She studied politics, economics, and philosophy and worked previously as research associate at Universität Hamburg and as advisor for a data protection authority.

👉🏼Prototype Fund, Program Lead @
👉🏼 CEO @ schaefer | hansen
👉🏼 Storytelling & Kommunikation @

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Florin Hasler ist Geschäftsführer von und leitete die letzten zwei Jahre den Prototype Fund Schweiz. Als Leiter unserer Advocacy-Aktivitäten und der Zusammenarbeit mit der Verwaltung (Bundesamt für Statistik, Bundeskanzlei etc.) setzt er sich für eine holistische, gemeinwohlorientierte Digitalisierung ein. Zuvor war er in den Bereichen der politischen Kommunikation und der Aussenpolitik tätig.

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