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B&B Opening
15.08, 14:30–14:50 (Europe/Berlin), Bits & Bäume
Sprache: Deutsch

Wir eröffnen unsere Bühne zum Chaos Communication Camp

Bonnie Mehring has had an interest in Free Software for over 10 years. Through Free Software, she has not only acquired extensive knowledge about computers and technology but has also forged connections with others. She thoroughly enjoys participating in various Free Software conferences and events, where she relishes the opportunity to connect with individuals from the Free Software community. It is of utmost importance to Bonnie that inclusive and welcoming Free Software communities are established, allowing everyone to engage and learn. Currently employed as a junior project manager at the Free Software Foundation Europe, Bonnie actively contributes to organizing the annual “I Love Free Software Day” and "Youth Hacking 4 Freedom" competition.

Diese(r) Vortragende hält außerdem:

Free Software enthusiast from Berlin (Germany), currently working as sysadmin at the FSFE.

Diese(r) Vortragende hält außerdem:

Mathias Jud is co-founder and project manager of qaul. He is a contemporary artist working on power relations in our digital communication society.

Diese(r) Vortragende hält außerdem:

Mitglied im "Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung" (FIfF)

Andreas Bräu ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren im freifunk-Umfeld aktiv.

Has been exploring the environmental impacts of ICT for the past couple of years. Is eager to learn more and connect with like-minded folks.

Diese(r) Vortragende hält außerdem: