Sendezentrum @ rc3 2021

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In 2021, the CCC's year-end event will unfortunately take place online again due to pandemics. And of course we want to get a virtual Sendezentrum up and running this year with live podcasts and talks about podcasting.

Technology: we will offer a central infrastructure (Reaper + Ultrasound) for live podcasting, but this year we also want to enable "Bring Your Own Infrastructure" for live podcasts (you use your own podcast infrastructure and we stream audio and video (optional) towards VOC. Technical details will follow.

Program grid: Day 2 & 3: Program with talks and live podcasts alternating, program grid: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm (talks: 45 minutes; live podcasts: 45-90 minutes), if needed we will extend the program grid (if enough helping hands are available). Please be sure to include your availability (day, time) in your submission.