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Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you'd never experience? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Go ahead and enter your Lightning Talk now!

The 37C3 Lightning Talks consist of two fast paced sessions which are perfect for pitching new software or hardware projects, exploits, creative pranks or strange ideas you need to get out to a global audience. Even if you don't have an awesome idea or project to share, a Lightning Talk is perfect for pitching your Assembly, your workshop or even a longer talk you'll give as a self-organized session. They're your Five Minutes of Fame!

The talks will be streamed and recorded and will be archived at

Hall G is accessible for wheelchairs and has a stage lift as well as an adjustable lectern. If you need any assistance, please check the accessibility question during the talk submission process. We will contact you afterwards.

Since we are currently full and have 15 talks on the waiting list, submissions are closed.

If you want to discuss a topic or give a workshow, you could try to create a self-organized session. See for details. You can also check at the congress info page: