
2021-12-29 16:45-18:54 (Africa/Abidjan), rC3 Lounge


The idea of initiating a new project like Hounah had been on Daniel Nitsch's mind for a long time. It took concrete shape when he met musicians with whom he could enhance and realize the idea: pianist Johann Blanchard, singer Lena Schmidt and guitarist Marten Pankow. They joint Hounah, and with them he is now embarking on the long-planned journey back to his first music experiences, creating a music biography project that tells of how his own musical work began, simultaneously looking to where he sees Hounah's musical future. Influenced by trip hop and hip hop, downbeat, jazz, electronica and ambient.
Several European countries are united in the "Hounah" circle of friends. And this is neither a coincidence nor a novelty: from the late 1990s on, Daniel Nitsch has initiated, launched, produced numerous and extremely diverse musical projects. If one takes a look at the results, two things can be recognized: Nitsch draws ever new inspiration from alternating collaborations. He keeps on forming something new from a broad range of own ideas, from impetuous creativity and the aforementioned exchange. He does not rest on the tried and tested, enjoys experimenting and refuses to be pigeonholed in terms of music and content - not only because of this, but also because of the way he sees himself. He obviously doesn't like any preconceived patterns, being mentally on the way – and this beyond conventions. Not only as a musician, but also as a human being: thinking politically, questioning critically, struggling not only for understanding but also for change through deeper reflection. And so this journey to his roots is by no means a résumé, not a retrospective, but the acceptance of a mental challenge, a deeper look, a feeling. In order to learn something new, to find new inspiration. Not to stand still. To set out on the path. On a journey to a Broken Land…