Alexandra Cardenas

Alexandra Cardenas’ work focuses on the algorithmic behavior of music, and the exploration of musicality within code. She is a core member of the international algorave community and performs worldwide using the live coding platforms SuperCollider and TidalCycles. Alexandra studied composition at the University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia, and later completed a Sound Studies Master’s Degree at the University of the Arts in Berlin.


What is Algorave?
@crcdng, Alexandra Cardenas

In this talk, we will discover what an Algorave is, its origins, the community behind it, and our ideas of where this movement might be going. You will gain insight into the live coding community and its most beloved party. How to make people dance with algorithms? How to create algorithmic and generative dance music live? How is this practice opening new spaces to create music and visuals? Algorave is an inclusive, diverse, self-organized community that thrives in creating safe spaces worldwide and has grown together on the Internet.

ChaosZone TV