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Reclaim Your Face! The European Citizens Initiative for a ban on biometric mass surveillance
12-28, 21:00–22:00 (Europe/Berlin), c-base
Language: English

An international alliance of organisations is collecting 1 million signatures to make the European Parliament debate a ban of biometric mass surveillance. We show what we acomplished so far and where the campaign is headed in the next year.

We call on the European Commission to strictly regulate the use of biometric technologies in order to avoid undue interference with fundamental rights.
In particular, we ask the Commission to prohibit, in law and in practice, indiscriminate or arbitrarily-targeted uses of biometrics which can lead to unlawful mass surveillance. These intrusive systems must not be developed, deployed (even on a trial basis) or used by public or private entities insofar as they can lead to unnecessary or disproportionate interference with people’s fundamental rights.
Evidence shows that uses of biometric mass surveillance in Member States and by EU agencies have resulted in violations of EU data protection law, and unduly restricted people‘s rights including their privacy, right to free speech, right to protest and not to be discriminated against. The widespread use of biometric surveillance, profiling and prediction is a threat to the rule of law and our most basic freedoms.
In this ECI, we therefore urge the Commission to propose a legal act which will build upon, and fully respect, the general prohibitions in the GDPR and the LED to ensure that EU law explicitly and specifically prohibits biometric mass surveillance.

Ella leads EDRi's advocacy on biometric mass surveillance practices (such as public facial recognition) used by law enforcement agencies, government authorities and private actors. She contributes to the team’s work on artificial intelligence and anti-discrimination, with a keen interest in issues of power, justice, the construction ofcriminality, and how biometric technologies threaten rights to equality and non-discrimination. She holds an interdisciplinary MSc in Human Rights, with a research focus on feminist approaches to the sociology of Science & Technology. Prior to joining EDRi, Ella worked in digital business transformation.
(Languages: English, French[ish])

E-Mail: ella.jakubowska [at] edri [dot] org
PGP: 8B92 3E96 4E53 83F3 2F92 240A F53D 739E CFDA 2711
Twitter: @ellajakubowska1