Mastering the 4.x TileMaps
11-04, 11:00–13:00 (Europe/Berlin), Chicago
Language: English

As a long time contributor on the editor and its UI, I was hired for a year to fully re-write the TileMap and TileSet editor. So in this workshop, we will see how to setup a TileSet with rendering, collisions and everything needed to create a top-down adventure game.

First we will see how to use the TileMap editor to its full potential, to efficiently paint maps. We will also explore how to use the TileSet and TileMap APIs for procedural content. The final goal of this workshop will be to create a 2D top-down prototype with full 3D collisions.

That will also be the opportunity for me to explain the different design choices I made while reworking the editors. And why, with a little hindsight, some might be better than others... I will discuss a bit how things could be improved in the future too, to make those editors simpler to use and more straightforward to understand.