FireShonks - Try this at home

FireShonks - Try this at home

The Unsung Heroes of Imaging
2023-12-27 , Fireshonks
Language: English

This talk will introduce luma-chroma colour spaces: what they are, their reason for existence, why they are useful, and real world examples.

Hidden, like a hero whose tale is lost to time, there is a common thread weaving through analog television, video, and modern digital imaging. That thread is called luma-chroma colour spaces, and powers how humans are able to see, process, and transmit colours across a variety of media and purposes.

This talk is intended to lift the veil about these color spaces; we will cover their origins, what they are intended for, and showcase samples covering the past 60 years of imaging technologies. Examples include (but are not limited) to: NTSC, PAL, the Okta color spaces, YCbCr, XYB...

See also:

Software development contractor, jack-of-many-trades when it comes to desktop apps.

In a past life, I specialized in material appearance modeling, high performance computing and imaging.