FireShonks - Try this at home

Celia Chen

Celia Chen is a 2nd year PhD student in the Information Studies program at the University of Maryland. They hold BS and MS degrees in Cognitive and Psychological Data Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where they worked with the RPIrates on computational text analysis of political tweets and creating predictive models using WHO data to estimate early COVID-19 infection spread under the advisement of Dr. James Hendler. Concurrently advised by Dr. Alicia Walf, they wrote protocols for using Fitbits and other biometric sensors for human subjects research, gaining experience with wearable sensors and physiological data. Currently advised by Dr. Jen Golbeck, their personal research explores user identity construction and language use in online spaces. For this project, Celia handled the coding to enable communication between the Myo armband, Raspberry Pi, and pneumatic robot, drawing on their background in cognitive science and human sensor input.


Encapsulated Electromyography with Myo and Raspi
Alex Leitch, Celia Chen

Let's talk ten year old tech! The myo armband was once a really strange way to control a computer, and then became a way to do fine-grained myomuscular electrical detection research. This is a talk about how to hook a myo to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ in 2023, and from there how to have the armband communicate over serial to other devices. We choose to use it to control a Programmable Air system for pneumatic control of muscular robots.

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