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How to prepare files for lasercutting (Talk)with live Q&A
28.12.2022 , Fireshonks-Stream
Sprache: English

How do I create files in such a way that they are later understood correctly by the lasercutter? What possibilities and tools are there? Why should I pay attention to the selection of the material to be lasercut when creating the file? What are typical pitfalls, do's & don'ts? In the workshop that will follow this talk, we will put all this into practice using Inkscape.

Wie erstelle ich Dateien so, dass sie später auch vom Lasercutter richtig verstanden werden? Welche Möglichkeiten und Tools gibt es? Wieso sollte ich die Auswahl des zu laserschneidenden Materials bei der Datei beachten? Was sind typische Fallen, Do's & Dont's? Im anschließenden Workshop üben wir gemeinsam mit Inkscape.



The talk will be held in English. Both English and German subtitles are provided.

This is the workshop:

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