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WLED-Lion workshop: Learn soldering and programming LED lights
08-17, 21:00–00:00 (Europe/Berlin), Hardware Hacking Village
Language: English

In this workshop, we will learn the basics of soldering components on a circuit board. We will then use our board to control LEDs, which you can take home and install in your own camps. Takes 2-3 hours and kits cost 25€. Max 15 participants, please sign up on PAPER at BornHack village in the Cold North Cluster.

The workshop takes 2-3 hours, bring yourself and a laptop. No prior knowledge is needed. Workshop kit cost 25€.

We will introduce participants to the basics of soldering components on a circuit board (PCB), based on the ESP-01S (ESP8266) chip. We will then use our PCB to control LED lights with the controller software WLED.
Participants should go home with some nice programmable lights and new knowledge, that can be used for many other types of LED involved projects.

Workshop instructions can be found here:

Content Notes

Espressif, Hardware, WS2811, Individually Addressable LEDs, Soldering, introduction, ESP8266, Open Hardware.

Participant MAY be able to trigger a photosensitive reaction with the "Strope" effect in WLED. But it is entirely avoidable by using any of the many other effects.

Network enthusiast and enjoys being a construction, video or decoration Engel at camps.

DECT: 8838

This speaker also appears in:

A Hacker from Copenhagen Denmark, have a passion for buttons and weird displays.
And co-founder of the local Hackerspace Labitat.