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HiP Party
08-17, 21:00–00:00 (Europe/Berlin), Milliways Workshop Dome
Language: English

Hackin in Parallel - Party

We had a great little congress in december, organized by people from xHain, Milliways, c-base, Digitale Gesellschaft and more: "Hacking in Parallel"

Now we are looking forward to see you all getting together again in summertime to have a night of dancing, discussing and reconnecting.

Tom Jennissen ist Jurist und arbeitet für die Digitale Gesellschaft. Daneben ist er Im Vorstand des Grundrechtekomitees und in der Redaktion der Zeitschrift CILIP / Bürgerrechte & Polizei sowie als Rechtsanwalt im Republikanischen Anwältinnen- und anwälteverein aktiv.

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c-atre collectivdrama in it's current version are a handful of actors/puppeteers who worked on this film from Summer 2021 to Winter 2022.
We are based on the c-base spacestation and performed three real-life Sci-Fi plays in the past.

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