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Maarie Becker

I studied science of education, social work, intercultural studies and have a master of business administration. Since 20 years I give workshops of politic education. I help associations in their organizational structure, help fundraising and write proposals.
Since January 2022 Raphael and me constructed Zusammenland gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) to do, what we think ist necessary to change the crazy situations around ist. Since January 2023 we own our vessel the MAREGO, which is now operating in sea rescue deployments in the central med. that's my website in German that's our website of the association that's our website of the vessel MARE


Ein nerdiger Blick auf die zivile Seenotrettung der Mare*Go
Eric Sesterhenn, Maarie Becker, Raphael

Was ist zivile Seenotrettung und welche politischen und technischen Herausforderungen gibt es dabei. Wir werfen mit dem Team der Mare*go ein Blick auf die Details.

Bits & Bäume
Bits & Bäume